Welcome to my blog. This space will provide to you and the many other readers my thoughts on the issues of the day such as current events, politics, religion, HIV/AIDS and community engagement.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
My Sabbatical has Ended
With my return to the office on Monday, May 8th, my sabbatical has officially come to an end.
Of the three months that I was away from my office, I spent eight and a half weeks in Spain and Portugal. I had planned to go to Mexico first and then to Europe, but at the last minute, I decided against it. I changed my mind, because with Mexico being so near, I was afraid that I might not have had the time to visit Europe like I always wanted to…
Although, I returned from my trip on Monday, April 17, 2006, I did not enter my wrap up on my sabbatical because I wanted to rest up a bit and then have the proper time to digest my experiences.
Time Off
I had taken three weeks off in the past six years, which is not something that I am proud of, but I have to be honest about it. It was the time off was needed very badly.
It was difficult to take the proper time off from work when I first launched the non-profit organization. I mean you can take all the time off you want in the earlier days, but if money is not coming in, then time off without pay is an easy thing to do…
During the middle of the history of the organization, as the project started to grow, then my parents got sick. My father with Alzheimer’s and my mom then was diagnosed with lung cancer. During that time, which was in 2000, I was the caretaker of the family.
Often, when I would finish work, I would often go and spend the night with my mom while she was in the hospital because she did not want to stay alone at night. They both passed away in 2000 and I was the one who had to make the necessary arrangements to bury them. Then came the fund request to the Governor by State Senator Gil Cedillo and the grass roots organizing effort to garner the for support the request. With the dedication of the monument taking place in 2004, there really was no time to take a real vacation or time away from the office.
But the truth of the matter is; there is no reason for not taking time away from the job. I’m a workaholic and I do not think I am telling you anything new….
What I am telling you is that I really needed this time away.
The dictionary describes that a sabbatical is “a period of paid leave granted to a college teacher for study or travel, traditionally every seventh year”.
My sabbatical was not a vacation or shall I say that I chose it not to be a vacation but it was time off from my job. I chose to do something that I was not able to do when I was young and so I traveled to Europe. I learned more about the world and myself.
I let go of all of my office duties and turned them over to my Associate Director, Eddie Martinez. The one thing I was involved with was a grant that was written for the Faith Based department of the organization. That was all.
I traveled to Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Lisbon, Porto, Fatima, Sintra, Zaragoza, and Lleida. I was there for nine weeks. I visited castles, churches, parks, plaza’s, art museums, colleges, AIDS organizations, bars, nightclubs, shopping centers, football (soccer) stadiums, monasteries, government buildings, the Spanish Senado, rivers and I can go on forever.
The greatest fascination I found was the little boy that I really am inside. I had lost that a long time ago. In Europe I spoke to anyone who would give me the time of day. I would often clown around, and made people laugh that brought joy to myself. Somewhere along the line, I had lost that…
I would often start by asking them “where are you from?” and then the conversation would either take off or it would not. I was open to learning more about who they were and where they came from.
I fed the birds and the ducks; I was amazed by the great architecture and often would stare at the clouds and wonder how big the world actually was…. Some of the same things that I would often think of when I was at All Saints Elementary School in El Sereno. Yes, I found my childhood again.
Many people wondered, “How can you travel alone to Europe?” I never really thought of the answer too much until I left Lisbon the last time and I was waiving good-bye to my friends. Vanda and Francisco…you see; I am a child of an alcoholic. As a child, I would often take care of my parents…Often I had to wait until they were both asleep so that I could go to sleep myself because I was afraid that the house would burn down.
Now on this trip…I was able to be who I really am…I mean I knew how to have fun, how to enjoy people and I certainly did. My guard was down and I let myself back in…
Living and Loving
Now that you know a bit more about me, you know that I like people…right? I met lots of people, but only got to know several really good….
Carles….Ruiz-Feltrer…who I befriended when I arrived at the Monastery de Montserrat …I told him…when I first met him…”Listen, I do not understand the language here in Barcelona, so wherever you go, I will follow you, ok?”. And he guided me through some of the best days in my trip. He would knock on my door to let me know what time prayers were…and then when we parted, he kindly walked me out of the premises and promised to be there whenever I may need anything and he was…Thank you, Carles for your thoughtfulness…. Thank you…
Helena Campelo. …From Madrid. An attractive woman that I met on the train on my way to Madrid…. At first, I know it was a bit difficult understanding me, then we got to know each other well…She took me to Toledo and was so passionate about showing me more of Spain…A powerful business woman and a mother, who was so considerate to constantly e mailing me and calling to see how I was doing…and not afraid to tell me…”you know, Richard”. I had to meet you, because there is something that you have that I want”. I often asked myself, what could a successful and attractive woman want from me?
Towards the last few days of my trip, she called and did not just offer but asked me what time can I pick you up from your place to take you to see your friend…and she drove half way through Spain to take me to visit my friend…. Their are no words to describe my appreciation to you…Helena…. not just for the deeds…but your friendship.
Vanda Dias and Francisco Vaz
Wow…who would have known that when I rented a room from Ms. Dias for a week, that our friendship would be so deep…Vanda opened her house and her heart to me…and so did Francisco. They not only allowed me in they’re space, but took me around town and shared with me some of their fondest places in Lisbon. To share an example with you…I accidentally got lost from Vanda one night…at Colombo’s galleria…. it was a rainy night. and she later called Francisco and told him that she was very concerned and worried for me….his response.” Maybe he met someone”…I was really touched by that…that someone who never knew me before would actually worry about me…
I allowed myself to be loved and I opened the door to a new part of who I am …
When I left for Europe, I was really upset about America. I was upset at the system and at the people. The lack of courage, vision, the pettiness, bigotry, laziness, the lack of interest…
Spending time in Europe and speaking to countless of individuals I learned that we are in a very trying time in the history of our country, we still know how to make change and while we have not shown brave, innovative and bold leadership recently we truly have the opportunity to make the change that is so badly needed.
Every person I spoke to asked me “What happened to America? Why have the people allowed this to happen?’ While some of the Europeans have a negative attitude about the United States, there is still enormous respect for this country and it’s people. Even more respect for the expectations that they have of Americans. That became very clear to me.
Despite of all of the problems that this country faces and voter apathy, this country is still the OPPORTUNITY for change. The system is truly the greatest framework for a democratic government; we just elect the wrong people to office.
Today’s modern technology and our overwhelming need to buy the latest products on the market do not always help in pushing our concerns forward. We need to mobilize and organize the people in our communities. That means that each of us must be held accountable. That being said, I have to be an activist not only in the issues that are dear to me but what are the most important issues to the community that I am a part of…
I am ready to do my part. But, I must be strategic with my time and energy.
I am very lucky to be a fairly spiritual person. But, this experience has really deepened my spirituality.
When I lived in the moment, there was magic in the air. Things and people that I wanted to meet came my way. When I thought of something that I needed, I would often turn the corner and it was there for me to experience.
Only in Lisbon, was my accommodations pre-arranged and that was finalized before I boarded the train to Lisbon from Madrid. Everything just happened. Well, it did not just happened, but it was meant to happen. I also allowed it.
I basked in the beauty of my creator often as I would often speak to the hundreds of people that I had the privilege of speaking to and the people I met. From the conservative community organizers in Madrid who were collecting signatures on a ballot measure to the young women of Rescate to the waiters, cooks and hotel workers who were so good to me…. Their goodness contributed to my sense of spirituality. A part of them was God….and for that I am eternally grateful.
Lessons Learned
I learned much along my personal journey and here are a the few of the most obvious lessons that I learned…
1) Learn to trust more…that people, places and things will work itself out.
2) It is ok to have fun and you are never too old to do so.
3) To be proud of my accomplishments and who I am
4) Be more attentive to my intuition
5) Enjoy my friends and share with them my affection for them
6) Place myself high on the priority list because I deserve it
7) Allow my self to be loved and accept that it is real
8) Allow time for myself for rest and nourishment
9) Accept the fact that I am a community leader and knowing that, must learn to step back to allow others to grow and blossom
10) Know that the organization and the cause that I am a part of will and can go without me
11) Stay in the present
12) The world is really not that big
13) Hope!
14) Be structured, patient and understanding
15) Be a bigger team player
16) Humility
Now What?
The office did well without me. Now my job is come back to the position of President of the Corporation and the Executive Director.
My primary role will be to raise the necessary funds to manage The Wall-Las Memorias Project. As a visionary for the agency, I have to do a better job of not only sharing the vision, but allow others to adapt themselves to it and not always expecting them to interpret it according to my version.
Looking at other personal projects in the near future, I know that I have to take better care of myself. Taking time off, focusing on myself and the things that I like doing.
One big change that I made is to sell the house that I grew up in that both my brother and I own. My parents had wanted us to hang on to it, but I have outgrown it and the neighborhood. It really is a big thing for me, but then again it isn’t.
As that chapter in my life comes to a close, it is said that most people in the United States usually live to about 76 years or so…. If that is the case, then I have lived 2/3 of my life already…The sabbatical gave me the opportunity to look at how I plan to live the last 1/3 of my life if God allows it.
So now what you may ask? Well, I have started to write my biography. I am writing it, because I would like to share my story with so many… I plan to do many other things in the last years of my life. Within due time, you will hear more about it…please stay tuned.
For the time being, I plan to go back to my office that is filled with Dodger bubbleheads; on the wall there is a tapestry of Mother Theresa, a photo of the Virgin de Guadalupe and awards from elected officials and community based organizations.
I join the ranks of some powerful people that are part of The Wall-Las Memorias Project, a community based non profit organization that constructed an AIDS monument to people who have died to AIDS.
For it was my dream that actually became a reality for many…
Thank You
My deepest appreciation to Mr. Gary L. Yates, President of the California Wellness Foundation and Sandra J. Martinez, program monitor for awarding me the opportunity to take a breath from the office and from the cause. When Sandra called me, I was really in shock. I am humbled by the gift and the honor. THANK YOU!
My thanks to my board of directors who supported me during this time…
Ida Tagliente, Board Chair. Thank you for your hard work and faith in the project and in me. Thank you for your dedicated leadership. You are an incredible woman.
Tim Towery, a hard worker, supporter and very good friend….
Yolanda de Garcia, who has given so much to the cause and to me personally…
Michael Mathews, who finds the time from his new business to lead the fundraising committee…
Father Peter Lambert, who has been so supportive in helping the faith-based community understand HIV/AIDS a little better and for your prayers, love and support…
Vince Sandoval, for your hard work on the board and coordinating cooperate support for the organization
Iris Miranda, who has been a hard working member for many years and although she is on leave of absence from the board, she nevertheless working for the community as a powerful Latina for Senator Cedillo
Eddie Martinez, one of the few people who knows me so well and took the leadership as acting Executive Director and did a great job. You have brought a different perspective to the agency. I will continue to count on you for much of that leadership
Carlos Molina, who committed and continues to commit himself to the values of the organization. His ideas and leadership is taking the fundraising of the project to a whole new level.
Ariel Rivera, is not only sustaining the Faith Based division but has worked hard to expand it. During this period of time he has one of the highest scores in a leadership program at the Centers for Disease Control.
Enrique Topete, Luis Brito, Humberto Franco, Daniel Cardona, Leilani Montes, Ozzie Granjaldo, and Nadia Andrade. To Roz Teller and Geoffrey Gee.
Thanks to my cousin Sandra and my appreciation to Eric Sagot who is a very good friend and like a brother….who kept on eye on me from Los Angeles.
Thank you to you….my friend who has been there for me…a friend, supporter, a reader of this blog. I appreciate you spending some time with me..
And thanks to God for giving me my life……with love…..Richard
Of the three months that I was away from my office, I spent eight and a half weeks in Spain and Portugal. I had planned to go to Mexico first and then to Europe, but at the last minute, I decided against it. I changed my mind, because with Mexico being so near, I was afraid that I might not have had the time to visit Europe like I always wanted to…
Although, I returned from my trip on Monday, April 17, 2006, I did not enter my wrap up on my sabbatical because I wanted to rest up a bit and then have the proper time to digest my experiences.
Time Off
I had taken three weeks off in the past six years, which is not something that I am proud of, but I have to be honest about it. It was the time off was needed very badly.
It was difficult to take the proper time off from work when I first launched the non-profit organization. I mean you can take all the time off you want in the earlier days, but if money is not coming in, then time off without pay is an easy thing to do…
During the middle of the history of the organization, as the project started to grow, then my parents got sick. My father with Alzheimer’s and my mom then was diagnosed with lung cancer. During that time, which was in 2000, I was the caretaker of the family.
Often, when I would finish work, I would often go and spend the night with my mom while she was in the hospital because she did not want to stay alone at night. They both passed away in 2000 and I was the one who had to make the necessary arrangements to bury them. Then came the fund request to the Governor by State Senator Gil Cedillo and the grass roots organizing effort to garner the for support the request. With the dedication of the monument taking place in 2004, there really was no time to take a real vacation or time away from the office.
But the truth of the matter is; there is no reason for not taking time away from the job. I’m a workaholic and I do not think I am telling you anything new….
What I am telling you is that I really needed this time away.
The dictionary describes that a sabbatical is “a period of paid leave granted to a college teacher for study or travel, traditionally every seventh year”.
My sabbatical was not a vacation or shall I say that I chose it not to be a vacation but it was time off from my job. I chose to do something that I was not able to do when I was young and so I traveled to Europe. I learned more about the world and myself.
I let go of all of my office duties and turned them over to my Associate Director, Eddie Martinez. The one thing I was involved with was a grant that was written for the Faith Based department of the organization. That was all.
I traveled to Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Lisbon, Porto, Fatima, Sintra, Zaragoza, and Lleida. I was there for nine weeks. I visited castles, churches, parks, plaza’s, art museums, colleges, AIDS organizations, bars, nightclubs, shopping centers, football (soccer) stadiums, monasteries, government buildings, the Spanish Senado, rivers and I can go on forever.
The greatest fascination I found was the little boy that I really am inside. I had lost that a long time ago. In Europe I spoke to anyone who would give me the time of day. I would often clown around, and made people laugh that brought joy to myself. Somewhere along the line, I had lost that…
I would often start by asking them “where are you from?” and then the conversation would either take off or it would not. I was open to learning more about who they were and where they came from.
I fed the birds and the ducks; I was amazed by the great architecture and often would stare at the clouds and wonder how big the world actually was…. Some of the same things that I would often think of when I was at All Saints Elementary School in El Sereno. Yes, I found my childhood again.
Many people wondered, “How can you travel alone to Europe?” I never really thought of the answer too much until I left Lisbon the last time and I was waiving good-bye to my friends. Vanda and Francisco…you see; I am a child of an alcoholic. As a child, I would often take care of my parents…Often I had to wait until they were both asleep so that I could go to sleep myself because I was afraid that the house would burn down.
Now on this trip…I was able to be who I really am…I mean I knew how to have fun, how to enjoy people and I certainly did. My guard was down and I let myself back in…
Living and Loving
Now that you know a bit more about me, you know that I like people…right? I met lots of people, but only got to know several really good….
Carles….Ruiz-Feltrer…who I befriended when I arrived at the Monastery de Montserrat …I told him…when I first met him…”Listen, I do not understand the language here in Barcelona, so wherever you go, I will follow you, ok?”. And he guided me through some of the best days in my trip. He would knock on my door to let me know what time prayers were…and then when we parted, he kindly walked me out of the premises and promised to be there whenever I may need anything and he was…Thank you, Carles for your thoughtfulness…. Thank you…
Helena Campelo. …From Madrid. An attractive woman that I met on the train on my way to Madrid…. At first, I know it was a bit difficult understanding me, then we got to know each other well…She took me to Toledo and was so passionate about showing me more of Spain…A powerful business woman and a mother, who was so considerate to constantly e mailing me and calling to see how I was doing…and not afraid to tell me…”you know, Richard”. I had to meet you, because there is something that you have that I want”. I often asked myself, what could a successful and attractive woman want from me?
Towards the last few days of my trip, she called and did not just offer but asked me what time can I pick you up from your place to take you to see your friend…and she drove half way through Spain to take me to visit my friend…. Their are no words to describe my appreciation to you…Helena…. not just for the deeds…but your friendship.
Vanda Dias and Francisco Vaz
Wow…who would have known that when I rented a room from Ms. Dias for a week, that our friendship would be so deep…Vanda opened her house and her heart to me…and so did Francisco. They not only allowed me in they’re space, but took me around town and shared with me some of their fondest places in Lisbon. To share an example with you…I accidentally got lost from Vanda one night…at Colombo’s galleria…. it was a rainy night. and she later called Francisco and told him that she was very concerned and worried for me….his response.” Maybe he met someone”…I was really touched by that…that someone who never knew me before would actually worry about me…
I allowed myself to be loved and I opened the door to a new part of who I am …
When I left for Europe, I was really upset about America. I was upset at the system and at the people. The lack of courage, vision, the pettiness, bigotry, laziness, the lack of interest…
Spending time in Europe and speaking to countless of individuals I learned that we are in a very trying time in the history of our country, we still know how to make change and while we have not shown brave, innovative and bold leadership recently we truly have the opportunity to make the change that is so badly needed.
Every person I spoke to asked me “What happened to America? Why have the people allowed this to happen?’ While some of the Europeans have a negative attitude about the United States, there is still enormous respect for this country and it’s people. Even more respect for the expectations that they have of Americans. That became very clear to me.
Despite of all of the problems that this country faces and voter apathy, this country is still the OPPORTUNITY for change. The system is truly the greatest framework for a democratic government; we just elect the wrong people to office.
Today’s modern technology and our overwhelming need to buy the latest products on the market do not always help in pushing our concerns forward. We need to mobilize and organize the people in our communities. That means that each of us must be held accountable. That being said, I have to be an activist not only in the issues that are dear to me but what are the most important issues to the community that I am a part of…
I am ready to do my part. But, I must be strategic with my time and energy.
I am very lucky to be a fairly spiritual person. But, this experience has really deepened my spirituality.
When I lived in the moment, there was magic in the air. Things and people that I wanted to meet came my way. When I thought of something that I needed, I would often turn the corner and it was there for me to experience.
Only in Lisbon, was my accommodations pre-arranged and that was finalized before I boarded the train to Lisbon from Madrid. Everything just happened. Well, it did not just happened, but it was meant to happen. I also allowed it.
I basked in the beauty of my creator often as I would often speak to the hundreds of people that I had the privilege of speaking to and the people I met. From the conservative community organizers in Madrid who were collecting signatures on a ballot measure to the young women of Rescate to the waiters, cooks and hotel workers who were so good to me…. Their goodness contributed to my sense of spirituality. A part of them was God….and for that I am eternally grateful.
Lessons Learned
I learned much along my personal journey and here are a the few of the most obvious lessons that I learned…
1) Learn to trust more…that people, places and things will work itself out.
2) It is ok to have fun and you are never too old to do so.
3) To be proud of my accomplishments and who I am
4) Be more attentive to my intuition
5) Enjoy my friends and share with them my affection for them
6) Place myself high on the priority list because I deserve it
7) Allow my self to be loved and accept that it is real
8) Allow time for myself for rest and nourishment
9) Accept the fact that I am a community leader and knowing that, must learn to step back to allow others to grow and blossom
10) Know that the organization and the cause that I am a part of will and can go without me
11) Stay in the present
12) The world is really not that big
13) Hope!
14) Be structured, patient and understanding
15) Be a bigger team player
16) Humility
Now What?
The office did well without me. Now my job is come back to the position of President of the Corporation and the Executive Director.
My primary role will be to raise the necessary funds to manage The Wall-Las Memorias Project. As a visionary for the agency, I have to do a better job of not only sharing the vision, but allow others to adapt themselves to it and not always expecting them to interpret it according to my version.
Looking at other personal projects in the near future, I know that I have to take better care of myself. Taking time off, focusing on myself and the things that I like doing.
One big change that I made is to sell the house that I grew up in that both my brother and I own. My parents had wanted us to hang on to it, but I have outgrown it and the neighborhood. It really is a big thing for me, but then again it isn’t.
As that chapter in my life comes to a close, it is said that most people in the United States usually live to about 76 years or so…. If that is the case, then I have lived 2/3 of my life already…The sabbatical gave me the opportunity to look at how I plan to live the last 1/3 of my life if God allows it.
So now what you may ask? Well, I have started to write my biography. I am writing it, because I would like to share my story with so many… I plan to do many other things in the last years of my life. Within due time, you will hear more about it…please stay tuned.
For the time being, I plan to go back to my office that is filled with Dodger bubbleheads; on the wall there is a tapestry of Mother Theresa, a photo of the Virgin de Guadalupe and awards from elected officials and community based organizations.
I join the ranks of some powerful people that are part of The Wall-Las Memorias Project, a community based non profit organization that constructed an AIDS monument to people who have died to AIDS.
For it was my dream that actually became a reality for many…
Thank You
My deepest appreciation to Mr. Gary L. Yates, President of the California Wellness Foundation and Sandra J. Martinez, program monitor for awarding me the opportunity to take a breath from the office and from the cause. When Sandra called me, I was really in shock. I am humbled by the gift and the honor. THANK YOU!
My thanks to my board of directors who supported me during this time…
Ida Tagliente, Board Chair. Thank you for your hard work and faith in the project and in me. Thank you for your dedicated leadership. You are an incredible woman.
Tim Towery, a hard worker, supporter and very good friend….
Yolanda de Garcia, who has given so much to the cause and to me personally…
Michael Mathews, who finds the time from his new business to lead the fundraising committee…
Father Peter Lambert, who has been so supportive in helping the faith-based community understand HIV/AIDS a little better and for your prayers, love and support…
Vince Sandoval, for your hard work on the board and coordinating cooperate support for the organization
Iris Miranda, who has been a hard working member for many years and although she is on leave of absence from the board, she nevertheless working for the community as a powerful Latina for Senator Cedillo
Eddie Martinez, one of the few people who knows me so well and took the leadership as acting Executive Director and did a great job. You have brought a different perspective to the agency. I will continue to count on you for much of that leadership
Carlos Molina, who committed and continues to commit himself to the values of the organization. His ideas and leadership is taking the fundraising of the project to a whole new level.
Ariel Rivera, is not only sustaining the Faith Based division but has worked hard to expand it. During this period of time he has one of the highest scores in a leadership program at the Centers for Disease Control.
Enrique Topete, Luis Brito, Humberto Franco, Daniel Cardona, Leilani Montes, Ozzie Granjaldo, and Nadia Andrade. To Roz Teller and Geoffrey Gee.
Thanks to my cousin Sandra and my appreciation to Eric Sagot who is a very good friend and like a brother….who kept on eye on me from Los Angeles.
Thank you to you….my friend who has been there for me…a friend, supporter, a reader of this blog. I appreciate you spending some time with me..
And thanks to God for giving me my life……with love…..Richard
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Easter Sunday
Friday, April 21, 2006
Wrap up on my Sabbatical
For your information, the wrap up on my sabbatical will be published on this blog site within the next week...
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Thank you Helena

My deepest thanks to Helena for driving from Madrid to Zaragoza then to Peralta de la Sal to visit Father John. Their are no words to describe my appreciation to her for doing this...
Traveling to this remote area of Spain was not an easy task. She was magnificent! I am sure that the family of Father John is grateful to you as I am....
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Visiting Father John on Good Friday

You could say that it was coming to the end of a ballgame or the the final act of a broadway play. But NO one could ever have scripted my final days here in Europe as the way occurred....
It was Friday about noon and my friend Helena picked me up on the street corner as I had just checked out of my room which faced the plaza of "Our Lady of the Pilar" Basilica in Zaragoza, Spain. Thousands were expected for the Good Friday observance. I...decided to get out of town.
So I jumped in the car and off we went. Where? Well, we were going to see my friend Father John, who had passed away back in 2004 and was buried in a very small..I mean small town in a northern part of Aragon, Spain.
It seems like we drove.....and drove and drove....It was a beautiful clear day and you could see flat green lands and mountain tops covered with snow. We were actually very close to France..so they signs read..
But we were on a mission and Helena the great friend that she is drove three hours from Madrid just to pick me up so we could find him.
Along the way, we stopped for coffee and we talked. I drove and Helena was the navigator..She worked the front seat of her car as a fierce navigator..studying several maps so that we would arrive prior to sundown.
And so about 4:30 or so...we came along to a sign that read "Peralta de la Sal". We finally got here... we pulled over on the road and like kids...I walked up to the street sign and Helena took a picture of me...I then rolled over in tall green grass...I was in heaven...it was like a painted picture. The grass was green, the rolling hills....it was beautiful warm spring day.
We drove into town, trying to locate the cemetary, again before nighfall..and so Helena saw the cemetary from a distance on a hill overlooking the valley. We drove up to the hill and enterted the cemetary.
Cemetaries here are a bit different.They can be traditional graves or mausoleums...Helena actually found Father John´s headstone. It was at the top of a mausoleum wall. I actually made it here! I had been wanting to come so bad...He had done so much for the community, The Wall-Las Memorias and for me. He had said several funeral masses for most of my family. Now this was one way to say thank you.
He took risks....he did things that other clergy would not do and many times he paid the price for it. He once told me that because of the enormous groundwork that had been laid in the area of HIV/AIDS awareness by The Wall-Las Memorias Project that the Archdiocese decided to move the office of AIDS ministry to St. Camilus on the east side of town. He was involved with many causes and embraced his roots. He loved the Mexican-American culture, it's food and music.
As a board member, he once went with me to a meeting with the Dodgers and told the Dodger officials that it was the very first time that he had ever stepped in the stadium, particulalry since the city had kicked his family out of Chavez Ravine. He claimed that his familys home had been at 3rd base. He cares about his community.
So I came here to pray for him and to thank him for so all he had done for us and the community. I do not know of anyone who has been able to visit him. His memorial service in Los Angeles was very impressive. It left a huge impression on me...and I have to say, that I was a bit disappointed with the family and some of his close friends for failing to menion the fact that he was an AIDS activist and even a board member of our agency. But, that is ok..I really do miss him...he was one good friend and a priest that I could relate to in a very deep spìritual level. But for today I was able to be close to him again, even for a few moments.
I turned to Helena and told her...look...this man...so great to so many people and yet he is buried so far over here in Spain...so remote...no one will ever visit him..and her response to me was.. "you know Richard, it is not where you are buried, it is who and for what you are remembered for...he left a huge impact on your life or you would not be here...right?". She was so right....He impacted thousands of people....
I wanted to bring flowers to his site...but in a small town in Spain...no flower shops to be had....so my dear friend, Helena..went out to the hillside and picked some fresh flowers...I was so moved by that gesture...her generousity and tremendous love for me and for what I believe in...are beyond words. I took several photos so I could present them to his family. I hope John is happy and pleased with the photos that I took of him...(he was alway´s a ham).
Following the visit, we went into town looking for the monastary. We actually went in circles for some time...but we finally got it right and it was in the middle of town. We walked in looking for Father Jesus...the rector, but he was not in. He was expecting me on Saturday morning. So we waited around for some time..
A man came to greet us....his name was Juan and he gave us a tour of the place when a woman in her sixties and a priest by the name of Father Thadeus was introduced to us. When they found out that I was from Los Angeles and I was there to visit John, they were very happy. They said that he was a great man and well liked by the people of the local pueblo. Father Thadeus was very fond of John and when I asked if I could take some photos...he not only obliged, but organized the group photo.
It was becoming nightfall and we had no place to sleep, so I we had to leave. Father Thadeus wanted us to stay and offered to find us a place..but we refused. He insisted that we tour his garden and so we went oustide and as we said good bye, he looked a bit sad....he said that it was a pleasure to meet us and that he would send some photos of John so that we could pass them along to the family....we thanked him again. Then with a quick stare, he told us...."you know, I believe in divine providence". I responded, so do I... We both were chilled at the comment but we knew that the meaning was much more profound than one could ever expect. And as we walked away, he stared at us and then into the sky.
Father Thadeus who was about 90 or so was a very deep spritual man who was happy that we visisted John and stayed around to meet him. This was a very powerful expereince. Their were no words to describe what we felt in our short exchange of words with him.
We drove towards Lleida which was about an hour and a half away. We still talked about the experince and were overjoyed that both of us had experienced something magical.
When the world remembered a civil rights activist who was crucified on the cross, we came to Peralta de la Sal to remember the activist who was born among the hills that are now known as Chavez Ravine and passed from us and is buried in a small town in northern Spain, he is in our hearts forever....
Thursday, April 13, 2006

Today is Holy Thursday and I am sitting in the square of the Basilica of Our Lady of Pilar. It is a huge square and people are gathering for the continuing services (rituals) of Semana Santa.
The past few days, I have been taking it easy…maybe that is why I am so exhausted. I am ready to go home.
The City of Zaragoza is beautiful but small. Many tourists are here from throughout Spain for Semana Santa (Holy Week). It is unbelievable; the town has closed down…and will he closed today and tomorrow.
The great news is that my friend Helena is driving all the way from Madrid to meet me tomorrow and she wants to take me to visit some other towns before I leave. Well, not much time left. I will be in Barcelona on Saturday night to depart on Sunday (I do not want to miss the flight).
For the last two nights, the people of Zaragoza just like the rest of Spain have been commemorating Holy week with a procession from one church to another. Men and woman dress up in cloaks with their heads covered, then men dressed as Roman soldiers escort a life size float resembling the various Stations of the Cross. Hundreds of people march to the beat of the drum and music. Women dressed in black march as they were attending the crucifixion in mourning. It is beautiful.
I remember as a child, that on Good Friday, we not only abstained from eating meat, but we also fasted. We were not allowed to watch television or play music from noon to three on Friday to observe the exact time of Christ’s Crucifixion. And we would definitely not go out and party…..oh no….We were taught that we had to sacrifice something for this great leader who died on the cross.
Millions of people are making sacrifices today. Many are dying from thirst in Somalia, people are dying in Africa, uncertainly in the Middle East, a war in Iraq that seems never ending, and talk here of the United States responding to a nuclear threat in Iran. Not to mention the immigration issues…
Some British folks have told me that they are tired at looking at non-white people in England taking jobs away, the Irish are complaining of those fleeing there from the Eastern Europe and the Spanish and Portuguese complain of the thousands that arrive daily from Africa and Latin America that are taking jobs away from the locals.
In the United States millions of people have responded by taking to the streets in demonstration against the anti-immigrant sentiment. Immigration is an international issue and not one person is addressing it…NOT ONE.I wonder if that is ignorance or arrogance. People flee to other countries because they have to feed their families and there is no work in their homeland. But, that is another conversation.
The point I am trying to make here is that many people are making the sacrifice. YOU are making the sacrifice that often-religious institutions ask you to make. You donate you time and your love to others. You help educate the community about HIV/AIDS, crystal meth, substance abuse and so much more. Many of the family members who have lost loved ones have gone on to do outreach to the community so other parents would not have to loose any more children to AIDS. We have had to fight ignorance and bigotry and we have done it in a very loving way.
The members of the staff of The Wall-Las Memorias Project, board members, CAB members, volunteers, mothers of the Wall, corporate sponsors, elected and community leaders and church members, you constantly sacrifice to make our community a better place in which to live.
On Good Friday…he could be a religious leader, civil rights leader, your savior or as I put it a community activist…you could commemorate his passing as a way to recall how you have followed in his footsteps. Be proud and thankful for what you have done for your community…in essence for humanity. You have sacrificed and sometimes it might have felt like you too have carried a cross…It is ok to feel like that…because after all, we are taught to walk in his footsteps….
I will try to catch up on the blog sometime over the weekend…...Spend some time in recalling what we have done for a community and how much more we still have to do…
Have a great Easter to each of you…
With much love…
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Leaving Portugal, Monday, April 10, 2006
Well, it is Sunday night and I am getting ready to start my trip back…. Do you remember that I said I was going to Rome…and then I was going to Vigo….well, I am not…..I decided to stay longer than I had planned in Porto….so I will head back to Lisbon…then to Madrid…and hopefully change trains to continue to Zaragosa in Northeast Spain….I will then be able to visit Father Juan in Peralta…on Saturday.
Last night after the concert, as I was walking through town I heard a group playing Cuban music in a local club…so I dropped in for a set or two...
I then waked to a club and listen to some music. It was a very nice and attractive but mixed crowd. I met many interesting people. I guess I looked like a tourist. Most of the people I spoke with would tell me…”gee you Americans are big people”. Imagine, if they would see some of the other folks from home….(valley of the green giants)
I went to Mass and heard the choir that I have been telling you about. They were magnificent. After, I met up with my new friend, Pedro we went to lunch and talked for some time. He mentioned to me that yesterday he was invited to sing at the Colosiu Concert Hall in May. He will be giving two performances with a capacity of 3,000 people. I am really happy for him He deserves the best.
I am having dinner at this small restaurant across from the street I am staying at and thought I would enter in my log…
I hate leaving Porto…. I really do…I fell in love with it. The people are more than welcoming. They make you feel like family. I cannot believe I have been here for eight days. 99% of all of the Portuguese people that I met here in Porto are native born.
They are proud of their city…. and they should.
I will take the train to Lisbon tomorrow afternoon. I will then take the overnight train to Madrid…. that is…if I can get a ticket at the last minute. I will then take the train on Tuesday morning to Zaragoza.
Portugal…. is a fantastic place…the tourist publications say that Portugal is the gateway to Europe (Mediterranean). But, I must tell you that the people are the gateway to hospitality and that is what they should promote.
In my time in Portugal, I have been greeted with warmth and respect. They are humble and proud people. They never gave me any trouble for not speaking the local language and were very patient when I would speak to them in Spanish.
Portugal is a poor country. The people are not too political and they do not care to know about your politics. They are proud of their history and rich in their culture. For example…no choir that I have heard can compete with the magnificent choir of “Se Cathedral” that I had spoken to you about. I wish that the Portugal tourist department would sponsor tour for this choir to share their talent with so many of us in the states.
It is a conservative country. Abortion is not legal and the gay politics seems nil. I never saw any establishments with the word gay or lesbian. I tried to get information from their AIDS organization here in Porto, but could not get through.
Please…do not get me wrong, there is a gay and lesbian community, but not overt in any way. I mean it is not obvious here and the people are not threatened by anything…they just do not acknowledge it..…. They are family orient
Well, it is Sunday night and I am getting ready to start my trip back…. Do you remember that I said I was going to Rome…and then I was going to Vigo….well, I am not…..I decided to stay longer than I had planned in Porto….so I will head back to Lisbon…then to Madrid…and hopefully change trains to continue to Zaragosa in Northeast Spain….I will then be able to visit Father Juan in Peralta…on Saturday.
Last night after the concert, as I was walking through town I heard a group playing Cuban music in a local club…so I dropped in for a set or two...
I then waked to a club and listen to some music. It was a very nice and attractive but mixed crowd. I met many interesting people. I guess I looked like a tourist. Most of the people I spoke with would tell me…”gee you Americans are big people”. Imagine, if they would see some of the other folks from home….(valley of the green giants)
I went to Mass and heard the choir that I have been telling you about. They were magnificent. After, I met up with my new friend, Pedro we went to lunch and talked for some time. He mentioned to me that yesterday he was invited to sing at the Colosiu Concert Hall in May. He will be giving two performances with a capacity of 3,000 people. I am really happy for him He deserves the best.
I am having dinner at this small restaurant across from the street I am staying at and thought I would enter in my log…
I hate leaving Porto…. I really do…I fell in love with it. The people are more than welcoming. They make you feel like family. I cannot believe I have been here for eight days. 99% of all of the Portuguese people that I met here in Porto are native born.
They are proud of their city…. and they should.
I will take the train to Lisbon tomorrow afternoon. I will then take the overnight train to Madrid…. that is…if I can get a ticket at the last minute. I will then take the train on Tuesday morning to Zaragoza.
Portugal…. is a fantastic place…the tourist publications say that Portugal is the gateway to Europe (Mediterranean). But, I must tell you that the people are the gateway to hospitality and that is what they should promote.
In my time in Portugal, I have been greeted with warmth and respect. They are humble and proud people. They never gave me any trouble for not speaking the local language and were very patient when I would speak to them in Spanish.
Portugal is a poor country. The people are not too political and they do not care to know about your politics. They are proud of their history and rich in their culture. For example…no choir that I have heard can compete with the magnificent choir of “Se Cathedral” that I had spoken to you about. I wish that the Portugal tourist department would sponsor tour for this choir to share their talent with so many of us in the states.
It is a conservative country. Abortion is not legal and the gay politics seems nil. I never saw any establishments with the word gay or lesbian. I tried to get information from their AIDS organization here in Porto, but could not get through.
Please…do not get me wrong, there is a gay and lesbian community, but not overt in any way. I mean it is not obvious here and the people are not threatened by anything…they just do not acknowledge it..…. They are family orient
April 12, 2006
I am now in Zaragoza, Spain. I will have more to tell you later...but just want to thank Vanda and Fransisco for meeting me at the train station in Lisbon for my lay over train to Madrid....We had dinner and as always had a great conversation...
Helena has told me that she wants to travel to Zaragoza to hang out with me...on Friday and so does Carles from Barcelona...I am overwhelmed to have all of these people that want to give up some of their holiday time to spend with me...
The train ride here...from Lisbon to Madrid...overnight...then Tuesday morning to Zaragoza....will update you later today...
Helena has told me that she wants to travel to Zaragoza to hang out with me...on Friday and so does Carles from Barcelona...I am overwhelmed to have all of these people that want to give up some of their holiday time to spend with me...
The train ride here...from Lisbon to Madrid...overnight...then Tuesday morning to Zaragoza....will update you later today...
Sunday, April 09, 2006
A performance by Pedro Telles

After the day long trip I attended a choir performance at the "Se Cathedral". It was a collection of religous music in anticipation of Holy Week...in Porto.
One of the highlights of the evening was a musical performance of "Moon River" by Europe's rising classical vocalist "Pedro Telles"....He also sang several versions of Ave Maria....
He was great...!
Saturday, April 8, 2006

I was out most of the day...I took a train to Guimares...Below is the description of the city that I pulled off of the Portugal Tourist web page....please feel free to access my photo blog to capture a small glimpse of the city..
Portugal’s birthplace, with medieval castle and walls, houses a magnificently well-preserved historic centre. In the cloisters of the church of Nossa Senhora da Oliveira is the Alberto Sampaio Museum; and the cloister of SĂŁo Domingos Convent houses the Martins Sarmento Museum. In the ancient dominican convent stands the Sacred Art Museum. Also deserving special mentions are the palace of the Dukes of Bragança (15th-century), the church of SĂŁo Miguel (Romanesque), the church of Santos Passos (Baroque), and the monastery of Santa Marinha da Costa (converted in to a pousada). Nearby lies the early settlement of Briteiros.
While I was there and stopped by an ancient church, I witnessed a marriage ceremony....I was in the church as someone was getting married...and I was not even invited to the reception...imagine..
Friday, April 07, 2006
Friday, April 7, 2006
It is Friday....nice....had relaxing day...got a great massage..picked up my clothes from the laundry....then went to dinner...ahhhhhhhhh..real fat....real fat..egg served over a beef steak...with ham and cheese...what are you going to do...
I then took in a performance of Mozart Requiem....at the Coliseu do Porto ...it was a very nice performance...
The Coliseu do Porto is a nice concert hall just across the street from where I am staying....
Well....I have been reading about the buzz in Washington DC...INTERESTING....Anyway...I thought I would check in...tomorrow is a big day..for me....one more day of sight-seeing before I leave Portugal...
Good night...
I then took in a performance of Mozart Requiem....at the Coliseu do Porto ...it was a very nice performance...
The Coliseu do Porto is a nice concert hall just across the street from where I am staying....
Well....I have been reading about the buzz in Washington DC...INTERESTING....Anyway...I thought I would check in...tomorrow is a big day..for me....one more day of sight-seeing before I leave Portugal...
Good night...
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Thursday, April 6, 2006
I have been relaxing for the past few days....just when I told you that the weather was nice...well...it rained and got windy...uh!
A tornedo hit the central part of the country yesterday...I walked around town a bit and took in a movie...I had to travel about 25 miles to see Casanova...great movie...well done...it was entertaining...and what a plot...
Today...I took in a museum or two....went looking for a gym and a chiropractor... found the gym just a half a block of where I am staying...so I will go tomorrow for a work out...after my coffee and time to read my new daily newspaper...International Herald Tribune.
I will be in Porto until Sunday afternoon...I am going to take in a special concert at the local Cathedral on Saturday night..then leave for Vigo, North Spain for Sunday and Monday.
Just in case you want to know..Tuesday and Wednesday I will be in Zaragosa....then Thursday in Leida...Friday in Barcelona...I will leave Barcelona on Saturday to Zurch, Switzerland...and spend the night there...and then board my flight for L.A. on Sunday night for an all night ride home to arrive late Monday afternoon, April 17th...
I have much more to talk to you about...but will not do it here...I am at the local internet cafe...and there is smoke everywhere....besides I need some time to think....
What do you think of this shot?
A tornedo hit the central part of the country yesterday...I walked around town a bit and took in a movie...I had to travel about 25 miles to see Casanova...great movie...well done...it was entertaining...and what a plot...
Today...I took in a museum or two....went looking for a gym and a chiropractor... found the gym just a half a block of where I am staying...so I will go tomorrow for a work out...after my coffee and time to read my new daily newspaper...International Herald Tribune.
I will be in Porto until Sunday afternoon...I am going to take in a special concert at the local Cathedral on Saturday night..then leave for Vigo, North Spain for Sunday and Monday.
Just in case you want to know..Tuesday and Wednesday I will be in Zaragosa....then Thursday in Leida...Friday in Barcelona...I will leave Barcelona on Saturday to Zurch, Switzerland...and spend the night there...and then board my flight for L.A. on Sunday night for an all night ride home to arrive late Monday afternoon, April 17th...
I have much more to talk to you about...but will not do it here...I am at the local internet cafe...and there is smoke everywhere....besides I need some time to think....
What do you think of this shot?
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Monday in Porto

April 3, 2006
I met with a friend from the Cathedral for a some quick sight seeing. We met at the local Cathedral. I was very embarrassed… Now I have to paint the picture for you….He is a mild mannered man…very good looking, medium frame but well built…Bluish brownish eyes…and short hair. He pulled up in his nice small sports car…I got in and we greeted…Once in the car….I tried to close the door…I not only tried but it seems like I wrestled with the door forever…until he gently informed me….I have to close the door for you...…I said to myself….what a gentleman…I thought he was going to get off the car to close the door….no…all he had to do was push a button and the door would close…it was a Peugeot…that is the way the doors closed…I felt like an idiot… (if I was trying to make an impression….then I blew it…)
A young and rising star in classical voice in Portugal took time from his busy schedule to take me on a short sight seeing adventure…What a treat! His name is Pedro Telles…He is very handsome and in his mid thirties. He was born and raised in Porto…a northern city of Portugal. He is the choir conductor at the choir at the church, a musical instructor and further voice studying in Austria.
He took me for a ride on the bank of the Douro…to an area of town called Vila Nova de Gaia….On one side of the waterway are many sales outlets for the wine industry. We parked our car there and then walked across the bridge and had lovely lunch on a restaurant-cafĂ© about 30 yards from the water.
It is a picture perfect day. Not a cloud in the sky and the temperature rose to 75 degrees. We talked for a few hours and then we went over to the Igreja de San Francisco (Church of San Francisco). The Gothic Church of Saint Francis, reached by steps leading up from the waterfront, was built between 1383 and 1410. The vault pillars and columns are lined with gilded woodwork. The church is now a national monument. Services are not%2
April 2, 2006
Wow…what a night sleep…Eight hours and all I wanted to do was lay in bed all day…. In Porto there are no English-speaking cable channels like there were in Lisbon. So up I go.
Went to the Cathedral for Mass…. what a treat…they had a full sung mass with choir and all. It was magnificent…great acoustics!
Following Mass, I went and congratulated the choir director and asked if they had a CD I could buy. They had a DVD and I bought it. He also invited me to lunch on Monday…I will keep you informed.
Went to Brago, which is about 35 miles away but on the train it took 55 minutes. Not much time there, but got a chance to visit…. church high on the hillsides. Again the people are most helpful. I do not know Portuguese so it can be difficult. Got home at about 10:30 p.m. and I am wiped out.
One the way down to Braga.. I could not keep my eyes open. I think it is a combination of exhaustion and relaxation. Anyway, that is why I am here…right?
I was thinking a lot today….Monday will mark the final thirty days of my sabbatical. It really flew.
According to the dictionary, “a sabbatical is a period of leave from work for research, study, or travel, often with pay and usually granted to college professors every seven years”. I cannot explain everything I have learned or experienced because it is not over yet.
But, one thing I do know is that my life is changed for ever. When I return to my office on May 8th, things are going to be different. My associate director will run the office operations and the programs. I plan to focus on the larger things…like making contacts and raising funds. But I plan to do other things as the President of the organization….well I said I was not going to get into any details.
For the past two months I have opened up a lot with you. I have shared many things that I ever thought of….I am never really careful about what you know about me. Many executive directors are very careful not to disclose too much information to the community. That is fine. It works for them, but not for me. I am what I am. The most important thing for me is to share as many experiences with you as possible. Who knows how long I will be around….I just want to share%
Wow…what a night sleep…Eight hours and all I wanted to do was lay in bed all day…. In Porto there are no English-speaking cable channels like there were in Lisbon. So up I go.
Went to the Cathedral for Mass…. what a treat…they had a full sung mass with choir and all. It was magnificent…great acoustics!
Following Mass, I went and congratulated the choir director and asked if they had a CD I could buy. They had a DVD and I bought it. He also invited me to lunch on Monday…I will keep you informed.
Went to Brago, which is about 35 miles away but on the train it took 55 minutes. Not much time there, but got a chance to visit…. church high on the hillsides. Again the people are most helpful. I do not know Portuguese so it can be difficult. Got home at about 10:30 p.m. and I am wiped out.
One the way down to Braga.. I could not keep my eyes open. I think it is a combination of exhaustion and relaxation. Anyway, that is why I am here…right?
I was thinking a lot today….Monday will mark the final thirty days of my sabbatical. It really flew.
According to the dictionary, “a sabbatical is a period of leave from work for research, study, or travel, often with pay and usually granted to college professors every seven years”. I cannot explain everything I have learned or experienced because it is not over yet.
But, one thing I do know is that my life is changed for ever. When I return to my office on May 8th, things are going to be different. My associate director will run the office operations and the programs. I plan to focus on the larger things…like making contacts and raising funds. But I plan to do other things as the President of the organization….well I said I was not going to get into any details.
For the past two months I have opened up a lot with you. I have shared many things that I ever thought of….I am never really careful about what you know about me. Many executive directors are very careful not to disclose too much information to the community. That is fine. It works for them, but not for me. I am what I am. The most important thing for me is to share as many experiences with you as possible. Who knows how long I will be around….I just want to share%
Friday, March 31, 2006
Spring has arrived in Lisbon

Well it is been some time since I entered the blog…I have been very busy…walking, walking and walking.
A few days ago, I went downtown and saw the Lisbon contingency of demonstrators
Marching in support of the young workers of France. Those marching were vocal and passionate. But, the crowd was small.
I saw about four young people standing and asked them if they spoke English. Almost all of them did. When I asked why they were not in the protest…they responded that it would not do any good. “Portugal does not pay attention to her people,” a young lady said. The rest of the people agreed. So I challenged them! I asked them why do they not get involved and determine that they do have a voice…well you know me...within a few moments; several other young people joined the crowd and listened. Now it was a small crowd listening to this man from America. As I started to leave, I told them that I would be back in twenty years and would like to see them and ask them what they have done to contribute to change in Portugal. They were very gratified to have had the discussion with me and thanked me.
As I walked away, I realized how happy I was…. how much joy it brings to me to help clarify some vision for others. This experience has made me realize that I am capable of doing that and how I must embrace that part of who I am. I share this with you because for most of my life I have denied that part of me….This is a personal learning experience and I thought I would share it with you.
Yesterday, Vanda and I spent the entire day…walking…we visited the castle of King George… It was pretty impressive. As usual, I approached someone who was speaking English and found them to be from San Francisco. They were not Giant fans and good for them. We really had a great time. I took some great quality photos, many of them of Vanda. I realized that I really enjoy photography. It is very relaxing and allows me to share some of my personal moments with special people such as you. I hope you have%2
Last Day´s in Lisbon

Friday, March 31, 2006
Well it is been some time since I entered the blog…I have been very busy…walking, walking and walking.
A few days ago, I went downtown and saw the Lisbon contingency of demonstrators
Marching in support of the young workers of France. Those marching were vocal and passionate. But, the crowd was small.
I saw about four young people standing and asked them if they spoke English. Almost all of them did. When I asked why they were not in the protest…they responded that it would not do any good. “Portugal does not pay attention to her people,” a young lady said. The rest of the people agreed. So I challenged them! I asked them why do they not get involved and determine that they do have a voice…well you know me...within a few moments; several other young people joined the crowd and listened. Now it was a small crowd listening to this man from America. As I started to leave, I told them that I would be back in twenty years and would like to see them and ask them what they have done to contribute to change in Portugal. They were very gratified to have had the discussion with me and thanked me.
As I walked away, I realized how happy I was…. how much joy it brings to me to help clarify some vision for others. This experience has made me realize that I am capable of doing that and how I must embrace that part of who I am. I share this with you because for most of my life I have denied that part of me….This is a personal learning experience and I thought I would share it with you.
Yesterday, Vanda and I spent the entire day…walking…we visited the castle of King George… It was pretty impressive. As usual, I approached someone who was speaking English and found them to be from San Francisco. They were not Giant fans and good for them. We really had a great time. I took some great quality photos, many of them of Vanda. I realized that I really enjoy photography. It is very relaxing and allows me to share some of my personal moments with special people such as you. I hope you have enjoyed my photos as much as I have enjoyed taking them.
My photo blog has had almost 4,000 hits within the past six and half weeks.
I will be leaving Lisbon tomorrow for Porto, which is in Northern Portugal. I do not think I will be going to Rome after all. It is a bit much…I am tired. I have lost 10 pounds. The trick is to keep the weight off. I want to find some small towns in the north so I could rest up and write….
Prior to my departure on April 16th back to L.A. I would like to visit Father Juan Santillan who is buried in Northern Spain. I would like to pay my respects to him on behalf of The Wall-Las Memorias Project and the many other friends and family members that he has left on this earth. We will see if I will be able to visit him. I will keep you informed.
I was constantly told and it was suggested that I was going to go through a transformation while I am gone from the day-to-day work of the office. I am experiencing much on a daily basis and sometimes I do not realize it until several days later. I am changed and will continue to change. I hope to capture some of that in the next several days. I would like to share it with you…if I do not bore you…
Tomorrow is April fools day. Ah… and Monday it is time for Dodger baseball…boy am I going to miss that…This will be the first opening day that I will miss in about twenty five years or so. It is problematic for me since there is no twelve-step meeting for baseball fans in Europe.
Will talk to you soon…..
Monday, March 27, 2006
Vanda & Francisco

Great people.....have given me great moments...I have not had much to enter into my blog because they great people have kept me busy.
In the next few days I will detail the happenings for the past several days. But, for now I would like to share with you two great people that took me into their house.
As I said...you will learn about them in the next few days....but to Francisco and Vanda...I love you....
Delete It Cancel
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Fatima, March 16,2006
The bus trip took about tours from Lisbon and arrived at 10:45 a.m. I have been awakening rather early in Portugal. I left my unit at 8:a.m. and not had my coffee.
So the first thing that was to stop by a small coffee house and have my cup with the typical breakfast for the morning…. a chocolate croissant.
Once I was somewhat filled, I went on my way to Fatima....the basilica. I entered this rather large square. It looked somewhat like the Vatican. I never been to the Vatican…at least not yet, the square looked like a square.
Once in, I read the schedule of Masses and one was just starting. I walked into the basilica. It was very simple, but powerful. It was being video taped. I am sure there are many live feeds to various parts of the world. It was a sung mass and only the fourth one to be said in the church on that day. There were several other Masses being said in the chapel where our lady appeared.
Once the Mass was completed, I walked up both sides of the church. Facing the altar, on the right side of he altar was the tomb of Francisco ,and on the left was Jacinta Marta, the girl who died at a young age of eleven. The oldest of the children who later became a nun, Sister Maria Lucia died just last year, but it was not until this past February that her body joined the other young two children in the basilica.
Outside, I strolled around the property taking photos of the church, chapels, people and almost anything that moved. It was finally a dream came true. I always wanted to visit here. It had been a guiding light in my own life and a fundamental principle for me in my political activism.
I then went to the chapel where another Mass was starting and I decided to wait for my entrance. For me, I wanted some quiet time there and so I returned later. Those moments for me were very special. It was a very quiet and deep time for me. I had imagined that my thoughts would race by me…but they didn’t. The experience was serene for me. After my many years involved in politics and a follower of Fatima, my moments were finally at hand.
Back in 1979-80, I was a member of the National Democratic Party Convention Platform Committee. My assignment at the time was a member of the Foreign policy subcommittee where I served along with Theodore Sorenson (former President staff member) and many party notables.
Later in the day, I visited the museum, As I entered, a nun asked me in English if I could return later in the day…I noticed that she spoke fluent English so I asked her where she was from and her reply was the Philippines. I told her that we had a huge population in Los Angeles. She responded, of course. She then turned to a young Italian man and asked him in Italian if he could show me around and so he did. He gave me a somewhat of a private tour. Although, the museum was open, there is a rule that if there are schools visiting the museum, then everybody else takes a back seat. The guide took me to most of the sites and told me emphatically that photos were not permitted.
He then eagerly took me to a glass cabinet where he showed me a gold crown with diamonds and gold. Here he said was the first crown that the people from Fatima made for Our Lady. In the middle part of the crown was the bullet that entered the body of Pope John Paul ll in the assassination attempt upon his life from the 1980’s. (Just last week, I read in the International Herald Tribune that the Italian authorities had found the Soviet KGB responsible for the plot to kill the Pope). I turned to him and started to ask him “if” and he jumped the response “only one”. So I took three. I consider myself a good Catholic. He said one, so I took three, knowing that at least one of the three would come out good so I believed I was following his demand and I do not feel guilty about it.
The balance of the afternoon was filled with numerous conversations with tourists and photos. I took the bus back to Lisbon and met a woman from Bolivia. Her name was Maribel. She had taken the train all night just to visit Fatima before her return to her country. She was in awe. I offered to take a photo of her and e mail it to her family so she would have it…
Once we arrived at the bus station I met another person who had been at Fatima all day. His name was Ricardo Cesar. He was working on his masters in sociology. We talked all night and into the next day about Fatima….
The bus trip took about tours from Lisbon and arrived at 10:45 a.m. I have been awakening rather early in Portugal. I left my unit at 8:a.m. and not had my coffee.
So the first thing that was to stop by a small coffee house and have my cup with the typical breakfast for the morning…. a chocolate croissant.
Once I was somewhat filled, I went on my way to Fatima....the basilica. I entered this rather large square. It looked somewhat like the Vatican. I never been to the Vatican…at least not yet, the square looked like a square.
Once in, I read the schedule of Masses and one was just starting. I walked into the basilica. It was very simple, but powerful. It was being video taped. I am sure there are many live feeds to various parts of the world. It was a sung mass and only the fourth one to be said in the church on that day. There were several other Masses being said in the chapel where our lady appeared.
Once the Mass was completed, I walked up both sides of the church. Facing the altar, on the right side of he altar was the tomb of Francisco ,and on the left was Jacinta Marta, the girl who died at a young age of eleven. The oldest of the children who later became a nun, Sister Maria Lucia died just last year, but it was not until this past February that her body joined the other young two children in the basilica.
Outside, I strolled around the property taking photos of the church, chapels, people and almost anything that moved. It was finally a dream came true. I always wanted to visit here. It had been a guiding light in my own life and a fundamental principle for me in my political activism.
I then went to the chapel where another Mass was starting and I decided to wait for my entrance. For me, I wanted some quiet time there and so I returned later. Those moments for me were very special. It was a very quiet and deep time for me. I had imagined that my thoughts would race by me…but they didn’t. The experience was serene for me. After my many years involved in politics and a follower of Fatima, my moments were finally at hand.
Back in 1979-80, I was a member of the National Democratic Party Convention Platform Committee. My assignment at the time was a member of the Foreign policy subcommittee where I served along with Theodore Sorenson (former President staff member) and many party notables.
Later in the day, I visited the museum, As I entered, a nun asked me in English if I could return later in the day…I noticed that she spoke fluent English so I asked her where she was from and her reply was the Philippines. I told her that we had a huge population in Los Angeles. She responded, of course. She then turned to a young Italian man and asked him in Italian if he could show me around and so he did. He gave me a somewhat of a private tour. Although, the museum was open, there is a rule that if there are schools visiting the museum, then everybody else takes a back seat. The guide took me to most of the sites and told me emphatically that photos were not permitted.
He then eagerly took me to a glass cabinet where he showed me a gold crown with diamonds and gold. Here he said was the first crown that the people from Fatima made for Our Lady. In the middle part of the crown was the bullet that entered the body of Pope John Paul ll in the assassination attempt upon his life from the 1980’s. (Just last week, I read in the International Herald Tribune that the Italian authorities had found the Soviet KGB responsible for the plot to kill the Pope). I turned to him and started to ask him “if” and he jumped the response “only one”. So I took three. I consider myself a good Catholic. He said one, so I took three, knowing that at least one of the three would come out good so I believed I was following his demand and I do not feel guilty about it.
The balance of the afternoon was filled with numerous conversations with tourists and photos. I took the bus back to Lisbon and met a woman from Bolivia. Her name was Maribel. She had taken the train all night just to visit Fatima before her return to her country. She was in awe. I offered to take a photo of her and e mail it to her family so she would have it…
Once we arrived at the bus station I met another person who had been at Fatima all day. His name was Ricardo Cesar. He was working on his masters in sociology. We talked all night and into the next day about Fatima….
Lisbon, Portugal
In a small cabin sharing with three other men, it was not an easy task. Train left at 10:30 p.m. and arrived in Lisbon at 8:15 a.m. I did not sleep well. I shared with an American student from Orange County, a circus performer from Canada and a retired pharmacist from Spain. I slept on the top bunk and my feet hung over by three feet or so…I do not know how they expect you to sleep on a train like that…
I checked in with Vanda Dias….she rented me a room. She is bright and very caring. She lives about twenty minutes from Lisbon. Although, I was very sleepy and tired, I ventured in and checked in some of the sites…I came across a young woman named, Vania. She is a student of nursing. We sat along the pier looking at the river and talked for two hours.
As I walked back into town, I came across a young man by the name of Vania. I had asked him if he knew where a shopping mall was... where I could buy an electrical adapter for another electrical adapter (please do not ask me to explain). He not only pointed me in the direction of the store but he went with me to several stores until I found the adapter I needed. It took about an hour and a half. I was overwhelmed and humbled by the fact that someone would take that much time out of his day to help me. I did not know how to show my appreciation. I was in awe of this man. This adaptor would help me in recharging my battery for my camera, lap top and cellular phone…
On Tuesday, I left on the train to Sintra which is about twenty miles north-west of Lisbon, there I toured a castle and walked through some of the ancient city. I met many Americans on that small trip. One was a musician who was a native of Boston and a Red Sox fan….We had an enjoyable conversation until he mentioned baseball. I told him that I was a Dodger fan and he asked me what I thought of the Dodgers firing Paul De De podesta. I asked him what he thought of George W. Bush of being granted the White House in 2000. He said come on, I am serious. I told him, so was I!
I told him that they both recruited to do a job who never had the qualifications to do and and furthermore, the final parties who hired them never had the expe
In a small cabin sharing with three other men, it was not an easy task. Train left at 10:30 p.m. and arrived in Lisbon at 8:15 a.m. I did not sleep well. I shared with an American student from Orange County, a circus performer from Canada and a retired pharmacist from Spain. I slept on the top bunk and my feet hung over by three feet or so…I do not know how they expect you to sleep on a train like that…
I checked in with Vanda Dias….she rented me a room. She is bright and very caring. She lives about twenty minutes from Lisbon. Although, I was very sleepy and tired, I ventured in and checked in some of the sites…I came across a young woman named, Vania. She is a student of nursing. We sat along the pier looking at the river and talked for two hours.
As I walked back into town, I came across a young man by the name of Vania. I had asked him if he knew where a shopping mall was... where I could buy an electrical adapter for another electrical adapter (please do not ask me to explain). He not only pointed me in the direction of the store but he went with me to several stores until I found the adapter I needed. It took about an hour and a half. I was overwhelmed and humbled by the fact that someone would take that much time out of his day to help me. I did not know how to show my appreciation. I was in awe of this man. This adaptor would help me in recharging my battery for my camera, lap top and cellular phone…
On Tuesday, I left on the train to Sintra which is about twenty miles north-west of Lisbon, there I toured a castle and walked through some of the ancient city. I met many Americans on that small trip. One was a musician who was a native of Boston and a Red Sox fan….We had an enjoyable conversation until he mentioned baseball. I told him that I was a Dodger fan and he asked me what I thought of the Dodgers firing Paul De De podesta. I asked him what he thought of George W. Bush of being granted the White House in 2000. He said come on, I am serious. I told him, so was I!
I told him that they both recruited to do a job who never had the qualifications to do and and furthermore, the final parties who hired them never had the expe
Lisbon, Portugal March 13,2006
Lisbon, Portugal
In a small cabin sharing with three other men, it was not an easy task. Train left at 10:30 p.m. and arrived in Lisbon at 8:15 a.m. I did not sleep well. I shared with an American student from Orange County, a circus performer from Canada and a retire pharmacist from Spain. I slept on the top bunk and my feet hung over by three feet or so…I do not know how they expect you to sleep on a train like that…
I checked in with Vanda Dias….she rented me a room. She is bright and very caring. She lives about twenty minutes from Lisbon. Although, I was very sleepy and tired, I ventured in and checked in some of the sites…I came across a young woman named, Vania. She is a student of nursing. We sat along the pier looking at the river and talked for two hours.
As I walked back into town, I came across a young man by the name of Ivan. I had asked him if he knew where their might be a large shopping mall where I could buy an electrical adapter for another electrical adapter (please do not ask me to explain). He not only pointed me in the direction of the store but he went with me to several stores until I found the adapter I needed. It took about an hour and a half. I was overwhelmed and humbled by the fact that someone would take that much time out of his day to help me. I did not know how to show my appreciation. I was in awe of this man. This adaptor would help me in recharging my battery for my camera,lap top and cellular phone…
On Tuesday, I left on the train to Sintra which is about twenty miles north-west of Lisbon, there I toured a castle and walked through some of the ancient city. I met many Americans on that small trip. One was a musician who was a native of Boston and a Red Sox fan….We had an enjoyable conversation until he mentioned baseball. I told him that I was a Dodger fan and he asked me what I thought of the Dodgers firing Paul De De Podesta. I asked him what he thought of George W. Bush of being granted the White House in 2000. He said come on, I am serious. I told him, so was I!
I told him that they both recruited to do a job who never had the qualifications to do and and furthermore, the final parties who hired them never had the experience (Frank McCourt and the United States Supreme Court) of recruiting and hiring people in those positions. Nevertheless, after a fall and early winter of panic and worry, it seems that the Dodgers have settled down at least for now….
Vanda and her friend Jose took me to Belem where the president resides. While our presidential residence is called the White House and it is white, the home for the prime minister is pink….that is right….pink! No they do not call it the pink house….Could you imagine? After walking along the river they took me to which is known the world over for their Pasteis de Belem. They were yummy…
I was told that during the 1920 war the clergy and members of the church were expelled from Portugal. Too survive the members made pastries and sold them.
We later went home and Vanda prepared a delicious supper of chicken, potatoes and vegetables.
The kindness of Vania,Ivan and Vanda (sounds like a law firm) leads me to one conclusion about the people of Portugal. They are humble, trusting and loving. That is so important to me. When you are traveling alone and have people open the doors to their house or walk with you UNTIL you get what you are looking for, well they are very special people.
In a small cabin sharing with three other men, it was not an easy task. Train left at 10:30 p.m. and arrived in Lisbon at 8:15 a.m. I did not sleep well. I shared with an American student from Orange County, a circus performer from Canada and a retire pharmacist from Spain. I slept on the top bunk and my feet hung over by three feet or so…I do not know how they expect you to sleep on a train like that…
I checked in with Vanda Dias….she rented me a room. She is bright and very caring. She lives about twenty minutes from Lisbon. Although, I was very sleepy and tired, I ventured in and checked in some of the sites…I came across a young woman named, Vania. She is a student of nursing. We sat along the pier looking at the river and talked for two hours.
As I walked back into town, I came across a young man by the name of Ivan. I had asked him if he knew where their might be a large shopping mall where I could buy an electrical adapter for another electrical adapter (please do not ask me to explain). He not only pointed me in the direction of the store but he went with me to several stores until I found the adapter I needed. It took about an hour and a half. I was overwhelmed and humbled by the fact that someone would take that much time out of his day to help me. I did not know how to show my appreciation. I was in awe of this man. This adaptor would help me in recharging my battery for my camera,lap top and cellular phone…
On Tuesday, I left on the train to Sintra which is about twenty miles north-west of Lisbon, there I toured a castle and walked through some of the ancient city. I met many Americans on that small trip. One was a musician who was a native of Boston and a Red Sox fan….We had an enjoyable conversation until he mentioned baseball. I told him that I was a Dodger fan and he asked me what I thought of the Dodgers firing Paul De De Podesta. I asked him what he thought of George W. Bush of being granted the White House in 2000. He said come on, I am serious. I told him, so was I!
I told him that they both recruited to do a job who never had the qualifications to do and and furthermore, the final parties who hired them never had the experience (Frank McCourt and the United States Supreme Court) of recruiting and hiring people in those positions. Nevertheless, after a fall and early winter of panic and worry, it seems that the Dodgers have settled down at least for now….
Vanda and her friend Jose took me to Belem where the president resides. While our presidential residence is called the White House and it is white, the home for the prime minister is pink….that is right….pink! No they do not call it the pink house….Could you imagine? After walking along the river they took me to which is known the world over for their Pasteis de Belem. They were yummy…
I was told that during the 1920 war the clergy and members of the church were expelled from Portugal. Too survive the members made pastries and sold them.
We later went home and Vanda prepared a delicious supper of chicken, potatoes and vegetables.
The kindness of Vania,Ivan and Vanda (sounds like a law firm) leads me to one conclusion about the people of Portugal. They are humble, trusting and loving. That is so important to me. When you are traveling alone and have people open the doors to their house or walk with you UNTIL you get what you are looking for, well they are very special people.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Delay in Portugal
A delay in updating the both this blog and photo blog at this time. Thank you for your interest and patience. Will be updated soon.
Saturday, March 11th with Helena in Toledo, Spain

Helena and I met at the train station to catch our ride in Toledo. The next schedule departure was sold out so we decided to take the bus. In order to do that we would had to take a metro (local train) to get to the bus station.
In our excitement in seeing each other we became so engaged that we missed our stop on the train and we eventually had to back track to right our course. Once on the bus, we were finally on our way to an incredible and an unforgetable day of my trip.
Helena is a bright and beautiful woman. She is the mother of a fourteen year old son and self made powerful Latina woman. She is articulate and very passionate about her cultural and historical roots.
For that day she charted the course for me thus stopping at churches, monuments and archectural bench marks to eduacte me about the history of Toldeo. We took a train tour which took us on on a ride back through history looking at castles, churches, rivers and ancient streets-buildings.
The most significant site was seeing the preservation of the architecural sites that refelcts a community that includes Muslim, Jewsih and Catholic tradition and influence.We ate lunch and dinner and acted llike two sillly school kids.
One photo is a must see photo and it should be up on my blog soon...shows hers displaying her tremendous enthusiasm for the former dictator...Franco. A nasty sign (you go girl). A city of great prominence since the 1500's and the generations to come I am sure.
We caught the bus back to Madrid and arrived at 11:p.m. Helena still had to catch another train to get home just minutes northeast of downtown Madrid. As we said our good bye at the train station we were both sas.
Although we made promises to call each other and write;we both know that their is a possibility that we will never see each other again.
This trip for me was very important in meeting some people that is leaving an impact on me. I hope she will come to Los Angeles to visit like she is planning.
Thank you Helena for worrying about me while I was in Spain and for sharing so much of your time with me. You are truely a marvelous woman.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
A day at the Prado and taking in the International Day of the Mujer
Thursday, March 9, 2006
It is Thursday March 9th already and time seems to be passing by. The last few days have been calm and low key. I came down with a bad cold. Every day I would say to myself “slow down” but I haven’t….I think you can understand why…
Tuesday, I got a chance to sit in as a visitor in the Senado (Senate) . About 250 members. The session started at 4:p.m. and they had nine items on the agenda…I was not very impressed. Spain has to main political parties. The United Popular, Socialists and then many smaller parties. The popular party could be seen as the conservative and the socialists are the liberal. The entire debate was not the issue of the agendized item but they spent most of their time throwing mud at each other’s political party. Motions had very little substance…but I had to remember that Spain is a young democracy.
Yesterday, I went walking around downtown and came across an outdoor cafĂ©. I approached a gentleman by the name of Jack Jamison. He is from Sacramento, California. . He was an American who has lived here with his wife since the 1970’s. He is an English teacher and musician here. I spent about two hours with him in a fantastic conversation. For the first time on this trip I was actually speaking to someone in English who had lived through the end of the Franco period. Little to say the least, he was very interesting and well educated. The contents of the discussion were so important for me so I have documented them off line for my own pleasure.
Let me just say it was a great pleasure to speak to you Mr. Jack Jamison. Your time with me was precious. I got a modern history lesson within a few hours…I hope we keep in contact and hope to meet your wife some day…anyway, please continue voting in our national election. Your vote always makes a difference even when it seems it doesn’t.
I then went over to the National Prado Art Museum. WOW…that is all I could say. This is the first time I really enjoyed myself at an art museum. (Don’t know why? I am gay, I should like these places) maybe it was just the fact that I nothing else to do but dedicate all of my attention to what was in front of me…. Again great! I took some photos and they will be on my photo blog soon, but I could not use my flash. so they are not of great quality…
By now I was really feeling sick. I could not even meet with my friend Helena for coffee. On the way to the metro station, I came across the Woman’s day march which on Atocha Street which was close to the museum. In waiting for the march to commence I started up a chat with a police officer named Alvaro. He is twenty seven years old and a darling. We talked for a long time. He was really interested in Los Angeles and New York. I told him that they would be interested in him too. He blushed. I even told him that he could leave the police force and become a model (Now this is the Richard I used to know) Again he blushed. He said that he would be interested in coming to Los Angeles. I gave him my business card and told him to look me up..
The woman’s day march was large. It was part of the international day of the woman worker. About 3,000 people participated. Very impressive! I spoke to many and told them that we from our organization supported them. They welcomed it!
Went home, worked on the computer a bit and knocked out
It is Thursday March 9th already and time seems to be passing by. The last few days have been calm and low key. I came down with a bad cold. Every day I would say to myself “slow down” but I haven’t….I think you can understand why…
Tuesday, I got a chance to sit in as a visitor in the Senado (Senate) . About 250 members. The session started at 4:p.m. and they had nine items on the agenda…I was not very impressed. Spain has to main political parties. The United Popular, Socialists and then many smaller parties. The popular party could be seen as the conservative and the socialists are the liberal. The entire debate was not the issue of the agendized item but they spent most of their time throwing mud at each other’s political party. Motions had very little substance…but I had to remember that Spain is a young democracy.
Yesterday, I went walking around downtown and came across an outdoor cafĂ©. I approached a gentleman by the name of Jack Jamison. He is from Sacramento, California. . He was an American who has lived here with his wife since the 1970’s. He is an English teacher and musician here. I spent about two hours with him in a fantastic conversation. For the first time on this trip I was actually speaking to someone in English who had lived through the end of the Franco period. Little to say the least, he was very interesting and well educated. The contents of the discussion were so important for me so I have documented them off line for my own pleasure.
Let me just say it was a great pleasure to speak to you Mr. Jack Jamison. Your time with me was precious. I got a modern history lesson within a few hours…I hope we keep in contact and hope to meet your wife some day…anyway, please continue voting in our national election. Your vote always makes a difference even when it seems it doesn’t.
I then went over to the National Prado Art Museum. WOW…that is all I could say. This is the first time I really enjoyed myself at an art museum. (Don’t know why? I am gay, I should like these places) maybe it was just the fact that I nothing else to do but dedicate all of my attention to what was in front of me…. Again great! I took some photos and they will be on my photo blog soon, but I could not use my flash. so they are not of great quality…
By now I was really feeling sick. I could not even meet with my friend Helena for coffee. On the way to the metro station, I came across the Woman’s day march which on Atocha Street which was close to the museum. In waiting for the march to commence I started up a chat with a police officer named Alvaro. He is twenty seven years old and a darling. We talked for a long time. He was really interested in Los Angeles and New York. I told him that they would be interested in him too. He blushed. I even told him that he could leave the police force and become a model (Now this is the Richard I used to know) Again he blushed. He said that he would be interested in coming to Los Angeles. I gave him my business card and told him to look me up..
The woman’s day march was large. It was part of the international day of the woman worker. About 3,000 people participated. Very impressive! I spoke to many and told them that we from our organization supported them. They welcomed it!
Went home, worked on the computer a bit and knocked out
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
That One Special Day Last Week in Bilbao
It’s Friday and I am leaving Bilbao. The sun is out and feels like spring is in the air, but not so fast. As I am leaving my bedroom on my walk to the train station, I hear the weather report on the morning news program. Forecast for today, heavy winds with showers in the afternoon, sometimes strong.
Yesterday, I visited Ronald who works for an HIV/AIDS organization. He has worked there for 4 years and emigrated there from Nigeria. He said that there are four workers; himself who does educational outreach to the black community and two chicas who outreach to the sex workers? Most of the cases of AIDS come from intravenous drug use. He said that the government was very supportive and he referred me to an AIDS hospice up the street when I requested it.
I walked there to visit the Centro de Acosida (AIDS hospice) cared for by the Sisters of Santa Maria Josefa del Corazon de Jesus, which was primarily founded to care for the sick. I went at about 1:p.m. and was not a good time to go since the siesta period had just started. A nun, dressed in a long and more traditional garb appeared and informed me that the mother superior could not talk to me at the time because she was busy. She asked that I speak to her on the house phone and so I did. The mother superior wanted to help me but did not have the time just then, so I offered to return at a more convenient time. I told her that I was leaving the following day. So she suggested if I could return at 5:30 p.m. and I said fine….
Following the conversation I walked across the street to have café con leche and one of the greatest chocolate cookies. Some way to loose weight! I spent an hour taking to one of the sons who runs the local bakery, He was not just good looking but very nice, and when I asked if I could photograph him, he readily obliged.
At 5:30 p.m. I returned to the hospice and met with the Madre Mata. She was a very young but stern and cautious in meeting with me. That is the feeling that I got through out my trip so far. People here shy away from the camera and are very careful what they say…She asked me why I was there and I told her that I was involved with HIV/AIDS in the Latino community in the United States. She again asked me why I was there and I again told her. She then was even more persistent in asking me if I had HIV. I then made it very clear to her that I was not HIV positive but that I was committed to the cause and I had made a commitment to be more active in this cause some time ago. I then choked up a bit, when I told her that I had lost many people to AIDS and that I knew many who are HIV positive. Well that seemed to break the ice…. She finally opened up and I was able to ask many questions and she answered them for me. Centro de Acosida currently has 14 patients although they have a capacity for 24. While the government provides some of the funding for the care of the patients a good portion comes from her congregation. She says that the government takes care of the prescription drugs and some of the social services such mental health and AIDS specialization but that was not clearly enough to take care of all of their needs.
She also contradicted the conversation I just had earlier with Ronald when she said that while many of the cases of AIDS is due to drug use; their are increasing number of new AIDS cases due to sex. When questioned some more about condom use and the church, she made it clear to me that while the official Catholic teaching is recognized throughout Spain, that this country was much different than other south American countries where the people look up to their local priest as a God. Here is where I promised her that I would go off record. While this information is not of press value, it will be published on the Internet so I will keep my promise to her. I asked her if I could take a picture of her and she questioned me if I was a member of the press”? I told her absolutely not. She asked me what I was going to do with the photo. I responded to her that I wanted to share it with my staff, board and community members, she then empathically said no!.
I offered if I could send any data, research on HIV/AIDS or drug information to her and she quickly accepted the offer. I spoke to her about our problem, of crystal meth. She never heard about it but interested in learning more. According to her the biggest problem here was ecstasy. She commented that anything I could do to help with her with any new information that it would very much appreciative.
As she walked me out the door, she asked me if I was or ever had been a priest. I said no, but that one does not have to be a priest to do the work that many of us do…
I walked out of there across the river and went to a small basco gay bar, at 8:p.m. I was the first one there. I talked to the owner Zulo for some time before his regular customers started to walk in. And when they did, it became a chatty place. They were all most gracious. Particularly a young man by the name of Adrian. We spoke about the local scene and about Spain…. he was of most help at the most embarrassing experience on my trip so far. After juggling down three “bas” their brand of Fanta, I felt nature calling me…and so I went to answer the call…there was a toilet but not a flushing mechanism. There was a blue bucket sitting in a large sink…so when I asked Adrian what I was suppose to do…his response to me was “don’t worry about it, I will take care of it”. And so he did…
I walked out of there at 10:15 p.m. I had to get up early for my trip to Madrid in the morning and the smoke from their rolled up cigarettes was a bit too much. Went home, opened my laptop, put on the local television ad watched their local version of late night television.
The people from the Basque area of Spain are some of the most down to earth and wonderful people I have met. Although very nationalistic, they are warm and very gracious. For the most part, they were never too busy to talk to me….
I will always remember the sign on my way out of Zulo’s…it says “when you are here; you are not in Spain nor are you in France but you are in Basque country”. That I will never forget.
Yesterday, I visited Ronald who works for an HIV/AIDS organization. He has worked there for 4 years and emigrated there from Nigeria. He said that there are four workers; himself who does educational outreach to the black community and two chicas who outreach to the sex workers? Most of the cases of AIDS come from intravenous drug use. He said that the government was very supportive and he referred me to an AIDS hospice up the street when I requested it.
I walked there to visit the Centro de Acosida (AIDS hospice) cared for by the Sisters of Santa Maria Josefa del Corazon de Jesus, which was primarily founded to care for the sick. I went at about 1:p.m. and was not a good time to go since the siesta period had just started. A nun, dressed in a long and more traditional garb appeared and informed me that the mother superior could not talk to me at the time because she was busy. She asked that I speak to her on the house phone and so I did. The mother superior wanted to help me but did not have the time just then, so I offered to return at a more convenient time. I told her that I was leaving the following day. So she suggested if I could return at 5:30 p.m. and I said fine….
Following the conversation I walked across the street to have café con leche and one of the greatest chocolate cookies. Some way to loose weight! I spent an hour taking to one of the sons who runs the local bakery, He was not just good looking but very nice, and when I asked if I could photograph him, he readily obliged.
At 5:30 p.m. I returned to the hospice and met with the Madre Mata. She was a very young but stern and cautious in meeting with me. That is the feeling that I got through out my trip so far. People here shy away from the camera and are very careful what they say…She asked me why I was there and I told her that I was involved with HIV/AIDS in the Latino community in the United States. She again asked me why I was there and I again told her. She then was even more persistent in asking me if I had HIV. I then made it very clear to her that I was not HIV positive but that I was committed to the cause and I had made a commitment to be more active in this cause some time ago. I then choked up a bit, when I told her that I had lost many people to AIDS and that I knew many who are HIV positive. Well that seemed to break the ice…. She finally opened up and I was able to ask many questions and she answered them for me. Centro de Acosida currently has 14 patients although they have a capacity for 24. While the government provides some of the funding for the care of the patients a good portion comes from her congregation. She says that the government takes care of the prescription drugs and some of the social services such mental health and AIDS specialization but that was not clearly enough to take care of all of their needs.
She also contradicted the conversation I just had earlier with Ronald when she said that while many of the cases of AIDS is due to drug use; their are increasing number of new AIDS cases due to sex. When questioned some more about condom use and the church, she made it clear to me that while the official Catholic teaching is recognized throughout Spain, that this country was much different than other south American countries where the people look up to their local priest as a God. Here is where I promised her that I would go off record. While this information is not of press value, it will be published on the Internet so I will keep my promise to her. I asked her if I could take a picture of her and she questioned me if I was a member of the press”? I told her absolutely not. She asked me what I was going to do with the photo. I responded to her that I wanted to share it with my staff, board and community members, she then empathically said no!.
I offered if I could send any data, research on HIV/AIDS or drug information to her and she quickly accepted the offer. I spoke to her about our problem, of crystal meth. She never heard about it but interested in learning more. According to her the biggest problem here was ecstasy. She commented that anything I could do to help with her with any new information that it would very much appreciative.
As she walked me out the door, she asked me if I was or ever had been a priest. I said no, but that one does not have to be a priest to do the work that many of us do…
I walked out of there across the river and went to a small basco gay bar, at 8:p.m. I was the first one there. I talked to the owner Zulo for some time before his regular customers started to walk in. And when they did, it became a chatty place. They were all most gracious. Particularly a young man by the name of Adrian. We spoke about the local scene and about Spain…. he was of most help at the most embarrassing experience on my trip so far. After juggling down three “bas” their brand of Fanta, I felt nature calling me…and so I went to answer the call…there was a toilet but not a flushing mechanism. There was a blue bucket sitting in a large sink…so when I asked Adrian what I was suppose to do…his response to me was “don’t worry about it, I will take care of it”. And so he did…
I walked out of there at 10:15 p.m. I had to get up early for my trip to Madrid in the morning and the smoke from their rolled up cigarettes was a bit too much. Went home, opened my laptop, put on the local television ad watched their local version of late night television.
The people from the Basque area of Spain are some of the most down to earth and wonderful people I have met. Although very nationalistic, they are warm and very gracious. For the most part, they were never too busy to talk to me….
I will always remember the sign on my way out of Zulo’s…it says “when you are here; you are not in Spain nor are you in France but you are in Basque country”. That I will never forget.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Sunday, March 5, 2006
News from Los Angeles
I just heard and sent my congratulations to Maria Elena Durazo who was elected as chief of the L.A. County Federation of Labor. I am happy for her and Los Angeles. She is one great and powerful leader.
My deepest sympathy to Tim Towery my friend and our board member who lost his aunt Sharon Harris and his uncle CM Towery who passed away in the same week. There are no words to describe my sympathy to him for his great loss.
Let me also express my condolence to Daniel Cardona of my staff who also lost his father last two weeks ago. Daniel is a fine young man who has given much to his family and community.
Loosing a parent, aunt or uncle is not easy. It is a great experience because it affords us the opportunity to have a sense of spirit. In this modern day of technology we don’t allow ourselves much time to really focus on spirituality. While we will miss the ones that we love very much, it is their spirit that is never lost and death provides the channel to connect and keep that connection with them forever.
I know so well. Later this month will be the anniversary of the death of my mom. It has been six years. Than later this year it will be my dads anniversary. It was not easy for me, but living life that followed the losses was incredible. While I miss them tremendously, I pray never to loose the spirituality that I gained as a result of that experience.
My prayers are with you…..
Father Peter Get Well Soon!
Another great friend and board member of The Wall-Las Memorias Project was hospitalized recently with a viral infection. Sophia his wife recently sent out the news and said that his condition had improved. Please remember him in your thoughts and prayers…..
I just heard and sent my congratulations to Maria Elena Durazo who was elected as chief of the L.A. County Federation of Labor. I am happy for her and Los Angeles. She is one great and powerful leader.
My deepest sympathy to Tim Towery my friend and our board member who lost his aunt Sharon Harris and his uncle CM Towery who passed away in the same week. There are no words to describe my sympathy to him for his great loss.
Let me also express my condolence to Daniel Cardona of my staff who also lost his father last two weeks ago. Daniel is a fine young man who has given much to his family and community.
Loosing a parent, aunt or uncle is not easy. It is a great experience because it affords us the opportunity to have a sense of spirit. In this modern day of technology we don’t allow ourselves much time to really focus on spirituality. While we will miss the ones that we love very much, it is their spirit that is never lost and death provides the channel to connect and keep that connection with them forever.
I know so well. Later this month will be the anniversary of the death of my mom. It has been six years. Than later this year it will be my dads anniversary. It was not easy for me, but living life that followed the losses was incredible. While I miss them tremendously, I pray never to loose the spirituality that I gained as a result of that experience.
My prayers are with you…..
Father Peter Get Well Soon!
Another great friend and board member of The Wall-Las Memorias Project was hospitalized recently with a viral infection. Sophia his wife recently sent out the news and said that his condition had improved. Please remember him in your thoughts and prayers…..
Friday, March 3rd
I was up early to take the train to Madrid with a change over in Palencia. The ride was fine and I was on board an old train car…with no coffee…dam!
I arrived in Palencia for an hour or so…nice town…got my coffee there. Then on the train to Madrid…I was a typical tourist. A typical tourist, peering out the windows and taking plenty of photos.
I had the pleasure of meeting this beautiful woman by the name of Helena. She is a native born Espanola. We talked for most of the trip and you can see a photo of her on my photo blog. Along the way I got to see some snow and again took plenty of photos. The sky’s here are gorgeous. They are a bright blue and the clouds are clear.
I arrived In Madrid on Friday afternoon and picked this Pension on the Gran Villa…Awful…and It seems that my luck in getting the best places on run out…. The mattress lumped in the middle and both my head and feet stuck up right in the air…
Friday nights sleep was not the greatest. The next day, I found a pension that had everything that I was looking for…. heat, cleanliness, cable television and even Wifi Internet…. right in the middle of Chico…the gay community. I got acclimated for the most of the day on Saturday.
I was up early to take the train to Madrid with a change over in Palencia. The ride was fine and I was on board an old train car…with no coffee…dam!
I arrived in Palencia for an hour or so…nice town…got my coffee there. Then on the train to Madrid…I was a typical tourist. A typical tourist, peering out the windows and taking plenty of photos.
I had the pleasure of meeting this beautiful woman by the name of Helena. She is a native born Espanola. We talked for most of the trip and you can see a photo of her on my photo blog. Along the way I got to see some snow and again took plenty of photos. The sky’s here are gorgeous. They are a bright blue and the clouds are clear.
I arrived In Madrid on Friday afternoon and picked this Pension on the Gran Villa…Awful…and It seems that my luck in getting the best places on run out…. The mattress lumped in the middle and both my head and feet stuck up right in the air…
Friday nights sleep was not the greatest. The next day, I found a pension that had everything that I was looking for…. heat, cleanliness, cable television and even Wifi Internet…. right in the middle of Chico…the gay community. I got acclimated for the most of the day on Saturday.
Farewell Bilbao
Thursday, March 2, 2006
It is time to wrap up my brief stay here in Bilbao…. and so I shall reflect on the past few days.
Yesterday, I spent my day for preparation for my trip to Madrid…. I went to the office of Renfe, the national train company and purchased my ticket, did some banking and spent some time looking around downtown. I stumbled across Disney Hall east. That is the way it looks like. It is the La Coleccion Permanente de los Museos Guggenheim. It was designed by Frank Gehry. It is very plain and is built adjacent to the river.
As I was getting ready to shoot my photo, a young and small woman came up to me and asked me in English if I could take a picture of her. I of course obliged. Her English was very broken. Once I snapped the photo, she thanked me and we started some chatter. She asked me what part of Spain I was from. I responded to her that I was from the United States. She said, you mean you are an American and I said yes. Her response was “I am Iranian. Please tell your president not to attack my country. Many in Iran are afraid of an attack. I told her that I could pray that the US does not attack, but trying to write to our president is useless. He is an embarrassment to our country I told her. I followed up and told her that while I am against any type of violence, the fact that Iran has nuclear capability for war was worrisome for me and many other Americans. She said that her own people do not like their government leaders. I told her that we had much in common because neither do many of our people back in the states support our national government leaders. Once we shared the thoughts with one another, she thanked me and walked away.
The fear in her face was genuine. She was really scared about the future of her country. She really felt that I had the opportunity to do something about it. The United States has such a history of being great, and yet the arrogance of the political leaders from the both countries had so much more in common than of their people.
As I walked away, I wondered to myself how scary the world is for many who are truly frighten by the force of United States. No one should ever have that type of fear. No ONE!
It is time to wrap up my brief stay here in Bilbao…. and so I shall reflect on the past few days.
Yesterday, I spent my day for preparation for my trip to Madrid…. I went to the office of Renfe, the national train company and purchased my ticket, did some banking and spent some time looking around downtown. I stumbled across Disney Hall east. That is the way it looks like. It is the La Coleccion Permanente de los Museos Guggenheim. It was designed by Frank Gehry. It is very plain and is built adjacent to the river.
As I was getting ready to shoot my photo, a young and small woman came up to me and asked me in English if I could take a picture of her. I of course obliged. Her English was very broken. Once I snapped the photo, she thanked me and we started some chatter. She asked me what part of Spain I was from. I responded to her that I was from the United States. She said, you mean you are an American and I said yes. Her response was “I am Iranian. Please tell your president not to attack my country. Many in Iran are afraid of an attack. I told her that I could pray that the US does not attack, but trying to write to our president is useless. He is an embarrassment to our country I told her. I followed up and told her that while I am against any type of violence, the fact that Iran has nuclear capability for war was worrisome for me and many other Americans. She said that her own people do not like their government leaders. I told her that we had much in common because neither do many of our people back in the states support our national government leaders. Once we shared the thoughts with one another, she thanked me and walked away.
The fear in her face was genuine. She was really scared about the future of her country. She really felt that I had the opportunity to do something about it. The United States has such a history of being great, and yet the arrogance of the political leaders from the both countries had so much more in common than of their people.
As I walked away, I wondered to myself how scary the world is for many who are truly frighten by the force of United States. No one should ever have that type of fear. No ONE!
Saturday, March 04, 2006
February 26, 2006
Welcome to Bilbao----Basque Country
Last night when I arrived at the Renfe train station in Vizcaya, Bilbao, Spain, all I had to do to walk out to the lobby of the train station and asked the local security officer who was more than willing to help. In his attempt to help me, another lad, came by and asked where a pension might be…. the guard responded by saying, well he is looking for one too…why don’t you look together. And so once I made a successful call to the first pension on my list, we were on our way to La Estrella Pension.
Only two long flights of stairs for me and three flights from my new friend Arthur. He also likes being called Arturo. He also He had just arrived from a flight from Moscow. He barely spoke Spanish…and very little English. But he was a very nice man. After, we unpacked our bags we went for a walk around the local neighborhood, which was a bit scary. Arturo kept telling me that his grandparents used to live here, they had died and we were only six years old. Arturo’s language was a bit harsh to say the least…. I could not understand him at all. His voice and annunciation of words reminded me of count Dracula of the old Universal horror films. Arturo’s father is a prominent man. He is a counsel general for Russia in some city in Europe.
What was a bit ironic was that he was here for the same reason that I was here for. That was to find out more about our roots…I do not think it was coincidental that we met and walked over to the same Pension. Not one bit… After walking around for about an hour, we came across the property that he remembers as a child. It was just three blocks away from the place we were staying. Seeing his face was so thrilling. His twenty five year old hockey player’s face was that of a small boy. I told him that I was there too to research my family name in Bilbao and his response was to me “I was six years old when I last saw my grandparents”. “I know
Last night when I arrived at the Renfe train station in Vizcaya, Bilbao, Spain, all I had to do to walk out to the lobby of the train station and asked the local security officer who was more than willing to help. In his attempt to help me, another lad, came by and asked where a pension might be…. the guard responded by saying, well he is looking for one too…why don’t you look together. And so once I made a successful call to the first pension on my list, we were on our way to La Estrella Pension.
Only two long flights of stairs for me and three flights from my new friend Arthur. He also likes being called Arturo. He also He had just arrived from a flight from Moscow. He barely spoke Spanish…and very little English. But he was a very nice man. After, we unpacked our bags we went for a walk around the local neighborhood, which was a bit scary. Arturo kept telling me that his grandparents used to live here, they had died and we were only six years old. Arturo’s language was a bit harsh to say the least…. I could not understand him at all. His voice and annunciation of words reminded me of count Dracula of the old Universal horror films. Arturo’s father is a prominent man. He is a counsel general for Russia in some city in Europe.
What was a bit ironic was that he was here for the same reason that I was here for. That was to find out more about our roots…I do not think it was coincidental that we met and walked over to the same Pension. Not one bit… After walking around for about an hour, we came across the property that he remembers as a child. It was just three blocks away from the place we were staying. Seeing his face was so thrilling. His twenty five year old hockey player’s face was that of a small boy. I told him that I was there too to research my family name in Bilbao and his response was to me “I was six years old when I last saw my grandparents”. “I know
Day 2 at the Monastary
February 25, 2006
Woke up at 5:a.m…. showered…. went to the church for morning prayers and chant…then on to breakfast at 8:30 a.m. The breakfast consisted of toast bread, butter, jam and coffee…where is Dinos Hamburgers when you really want them? In the church for more chants…then with a two-hour break…. I took a stroll around the property…breath taking and magnificent is the site…. it is freezing up here….
Woke up at 5:a.m…. showered…. went to the church for morning prayers and chant…then on to breakfast at 8:30 a.m. The breakfast consisted of toast bread, butter, jam and coffee…where is Dinos Hamburgers when you really want them? In the church for more chants…then with a two-hour break…. I took a stroll around the property…breath taking and magnificent is the site…. it is freezing up here….
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Monestir de Montserrat
Friday, February 24, 2006
Today is Friday…and although it did not start off too good, it is becoming a great day.
First of all, never traveling to Europe I thought that the easiest thing to do use my credit-ATM card….well after numerous attempts, I learned that Wells Fargo cut off access to the withdrawal of cash because of wide spread fraud throughout Spain and twenty six other countries. Well, it was now 3:30 and the banks were now closed for the weekend…. All I could do was use credit card….the problem was that in most machines, although they advertised for credit card, they treated it as a check card…so all I had to my name is 43 euros…
Having made arrangements with the a priest to stay at Monestir de Montserrat (Monastery) , I called them and told them I would be late…I bought a round trip train ticket for 12 euros and off I went…the train ride was great but it took about 60 minutes to arrive at one of the first two stops…I then got off at the wrong stop….the one that I had gotten off on was for the sky baskets….and when I approached them, they said that I could be their last customer….looking up at the mountain….and how high it was, I promptly said no thanks! I will wait an hour in the cold for another hour for the train. I did and it took me to the end. I then transferred to a small tram which took me up the mountain. It was now 7:p.m. and the tram took us all the way up to one of the highest mountaintop. As I arrived at the top of the mountain I was completely breathless. Not understanding some of the local language, I went looking for Padre Osperado whom I had an appointment with…I knocked on the door of the rectory several times, but no answer. I then I went up the stairs and saw that they could not be bothered until the completion of vespers…so I waited. Finally I doubled checked that I was at the right location and they confirmed it was ….so I went back and sure enough someone answered the door and asked me who I was. Once I gave him my name, he asked me to come up…and so I did…He asked me to take a seat until he called Father Osperado …
Ten minutes later, the monk walked into the hall and introduced himself…and as he did he took a few looks at my luggage (one large bag) and he asked me why I was here….my response was that “I was an a sabbatical and that I wanted to mediate for a bit and that today was my 16th birthday as a recovering alcoholic and that I wanted to spend some silence with my God”…He then welcomed me and asked that I leave my luggage in an area of the facility so that he could show me the place…He showed me to my room, the bathroom, gave me a key to my room and showed me the schedule for the next two day. I have never been so nervous in my life…
I then had to walk up three flights of stairs, hauling my new Canon camera and my laptop on my shoulder and one huge piece of luggage. Thirty minuets later, I walked out of my room with several other men to the formal dining room. We had to wait outside until we were asked to come in. The monks had to be seated first and once they all filled the dining room, a monk asked us to come in. He asked that each of us be seated per his instructions and we sat at a head table…
We were asked to fill out our name and place it at the table. Then we stood until prayer was said. First came the lentil soup, followed by a salad. We had a bottle of wine and water at our table. When I was offered wine, I refused. For the main course it was baby shrimps and potatoes with bread. I waited with great anticipation about their dessert. At looking at all of the monks….many of them much older, I could not help but wonder, the how the rate of diabetes because the people here eat lots of pastries. Thinking I was going to eat a strawberry shortcake or chocolate mouse I was surprised to have been served an orange marmalade…It was delicious!
Once closing prayers, we retreated to our rooms for about 20 minutes…then at about 9:p.m., my neighbor Carles knocked on my door to remind me about closing prayers in the church. Again we had to wait until the monks entered; once they took their seats, we were asked to sit in the second pew. We were handed the prayer book and copies of the chant, once we finished and recessed I followed my fellow attendees and we visited the shrine of the black Madona. I kissed her feet and walked out. I was in complete awe….I was in a basilca that will be celebrating its 1,000 anniversary in a world famous monastery and I could not even understand half of what was said…
I came to my room to enter into my journal. It is 10:12 p.m. and I have a small window looking out at the square. Although I wanted this day to be special and spiritually fulfilling could not be too focused on God and spirit because I was thrilled. Another dream had come true for me.
Now if you do not understand what feeling I am having and if you are a sports fan, imagine walking onto the field of Yankee Stadium or Wrigley Field. That thrill and excitement was overwhelming for me…so in trying to experience what I wanted to experience, I have to recall the words of my dear friend Ida who usually suggest that I live in that moment. I was experiencing the once in a lifetime dream…. Now I have to sign off…because I have to get up at 5:30 a.m. for prayers…. I cannot believe it…. 5:30 a.m. in the morning!
Today is Friday…and although it did not start off too good, it is becoming a great day.
First of all, never traveling to Europe I thought that the easiest thing to do use my credit-ATM card….well after numerous attempts, I learned that Wells Fargo cut off access to the withdrawal of cash because of wide spread fraud throughout Spain and twenty six other countries. Well, it was now 3:30 and the banks were now closed for the weekend…. All I could do was use credit card….the problem was that in most machines, although they advertised for credit card, they treated it as a check card…so all I had to my name is 43 euros…
Having made arrangements with the a priest to stay at Monestir de Montserrat (Monastery) , I called them and told them I would be late…I bought a round trip train ticket for 12 euros and off I went…the train ride was great but it took about 60 minutes to arrive at one of the first two stops…I then got off at the wrong stop….the one that I had gotten off on was for the sky baskets….and when I approached them, they said that I could be their last customer….looking up at the mountain….and how high it was, I promptly said no thanks! I will wait an hour in the cold for another hour for the train. I did and it took me to the end. I then transferred to a small tram which took me up the mountain. It was now 7:p.m. and the tram took us all the way up to one of the highest mountaintop. As I arrived at the top of the mountain I was completely breathless. Not understanding some of the local language, I went looking for Padre Osperado whom I had an appointment with…I knocked on the door of the rectory several times, but no answer. I then I went up the stairs and saw that they could not be bothered until the completion of vespers…so I waited. Finally I doubled checked that I was at the right location and they confirmed it was ….so I went back and sure enough someone answered the door and asked me who I was. Once I gave him my name, he asked me to come up…and so I did…He asked me to take a seat until he called Father Osperado …
Ten minutes later, the monk walked into the hall and introduced himself…and as he did he took a few looks at my luggage (one large bag) and he asked me why I was here….my response was that “I was an a sabbatical and that I wanted to mediate for a bit and that today was my 16th birthday as a recovering alcoholic and that I wanted to spend some silence with my God”…He then welcomed me and asked that I leave my luggage in an area of the facility so that he could show me the place…He showed me to my room, the bathroom, gave me a key to my room and showed me the schedule for the next two day. I have never been so nervous in my life…
I then had to walk up three flights of stairs, hauling my new Canon camera and my laptop on my shoulder and one huge piece of luggage. Thirty minuets later, I walked out of my room with several other men to the formal dining room. We had to wait outside until we were asked to come in. The monks had to be seated first and once they all filled the dining room, a monk asked us to come in. He asked that each of us be seated per his instructions and we sat at a head table…
We were asked to fill out our name and place it at the table. Then we stood until prayer was said. First came the lentil soup, followed by a salad. We had a bottle of wine and water at our table. When I was offered wine, I refused. For the main course it was baby shrimps and potatoes with bread. I waited with great anticipation about their dessert. At looking at all of the monks….many of them much older, I could not help but wonder, the how the rate of diabetes because the people here eat lots of pastries. Thinking I was going to eat a strawberry shortcake or chocolate mouse I was surprised to have been served an orange marmalade…It was delicious!
Once closing prayers, we retreated to our rooms for about 20 minutes…then at about 9:p.m., my neighbor Carles knocked on my door to remind me about closing prayers in the church. Again we had to wait until the monks entered; once they took their seats, we were asked to sit in the second pew. We were handed the prayer book and copies of the chant, once we finished and recessed I followed my fellow attendees and we visited the shrine of the black Madona. I kissed her feet and walked out. I was in complete awe….I was in a basilca that will be celebrating its 1,000 anniversary in a world famous monastery and I could not even understand half of what was said…
I came to my room to enter into my journal. It is 10:12 p.m. and I have a small window looking out at the square. Although I wanted this day to be special and spiritually fulfilling could not be too focused on God and spirit because I was thrilled. Another dream had come true for me.
Now if you do not understand what feeling I am having and if you are a sports fan, imagine walking onto the field of Yankee Stadium or Wrigley Field. That thrill and excitement was overwhelming for me…so in trying to experience what I wanted to experience, I have to recall the words of my dear friend Ida who usually suggest that I live in that moment. I was experiencing the once in a lifetime dream…. Now I have to sign off…because I have to get up at 5:30 a.m. for prayers…. I cannot believe it…. 5:30 a.m. in the morning!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
February 23,2006
Today I am finally wraping up trip to Barcelona....tomorrow and Saturday I will spend the nights in a monastary...then on Sunday I will travel to Bilbao which is in the northern part of Spain. The trip is a nine hour trip by train...It is very cold there and it is raining at the moment.
Why there? The name of Zaldivar originates there..My dad often spoke about being basque....I never knew whether or not to believe him...It does not matter now...I amn doing something that my dad I am sure wanted to always do....
I understand that the name of Zaldivar traveled from the northern part of Spain to Mexico via Cuba....I have enjoyed Barcelona...but there is much more to see...It is a chore each day....because I take a few subway cars to come to Starbucks to use their wifi system to upload these notes and my photos...I lknow I will not be able to do that all weekend...
Talk to you soon...
Why there? The name of Zaldivar originates there..My dad often spoke about being basque....I never knew whether or not to believe him...It does not matter now...I amn doing something that my dad I am sure wanted to always do....
I understand that the name of Zaldivar traveled from the northern part of Spain to Mexico via Cuba....I have enjoyed Barcelona...but there is much more to see...It is a chore each day....because I take a few subway cars to come to Starbucks to use their wifi system to upload these notes and my photos...I lknow I will not be able to do that all weekend...
Talk to you soon...
Friday, February 17, 2006
Photo Blog is now up
My photo blog is now up at: www.pbase.com/richard_zaldivar.......Please enjoy the photos...it is the best I can do....since you are not with me...I will be updating this site as my journal from time to time....Many people wanted me to share with them some of my travel experiences...I hope you are not boared with it all...
Thursday, February 16, 2006
February 16, 2006
It has been some time since I last entered in this journal....I have been having a bad time with the wireless internet at the local starbucks....on Las Ramblas...in Barcelona....I think that the system might be overused with all of the customers trying to get in on the free wi fi service...
Today was actually a very nice and warm day...I went to the starbucks and spent several hours there until my battery went out on me....The manager is this fine lad from Portugal.....He is very professional and interested in my background...as I am interested in his native country....I plan to visit Lisbon and Fatima very soon....
I also picked up the local daily called El Perdiodico which is a fantastic publication. Reading it is not easy....while I do fairly well in reading La Opinion.....I feel that I can understand the Spanish back at home....but here...it bit different.....they dedicated an entire section to the politics of the Unites States...and they are not very fond of our president...
Later in the evening...I went to get a bite to eat and met a young american girl who is traveling throughout Europe....at the age of 18....her mom founded a recovery home for women in Santa Barbara, California...the mother has eight years of being clean and sober....I just realized that I will be coming up on my 16th year...on the 24th of the month...
I ended my evening going back to Starbucks...and met two guys from England....and another round of bush bashing....They were angered by America....and disappointed it her...I cannot blame them....a sobering thought...to end the evening....here I am in a county that last year approved marital rights to same sex----about thirty years after the end of the Franco regime....for all of those who are too young to remember...he was a right wing dictator who silenced millions of people......
It is now early in the morning.....may I say good night....
Today was actually a very nice and warm day...I went to the starbucks and spent several hours there until my battery went out on me....The manager is this fine lad from Portugal.....He is very professional and interested in my background...as I am interested in his native country....I plan to visit Lisbon and Fatima very soon....
I also picked up the local daily called El Perdiodico which is a fantastic publication. Reading it is not easy....while I do fairly well in reading La Opinion.....I feel that I can understand the Spanish back at home....but here...it bit different.....they dedicated an entire section to the politics of the Unites States...and they are not very fond of our president...
Later in the evening...I went to get a bite to eat and met a young american girl who is traveling throughout Europe....at the age of 18....her mom founded a recovery home for women in Santa Barbara, California...the mother has eight years of being clean and sober....I just realized that I will be coming up on my 16th year...on the 24th of the month...
I ended my evening going back to Starbucks...and met two guys from England....and another round of bush bashing....They were angered by America....and disappointed it her...I cannot blame them....a sobering thought...to end the evening....here I am in a county that last year approved marital rights to same sex----about thirty years after the end of the Franco regime....for all of those who are too young to remember...he was a right wing dictator who silenced millions of people......
It is now early in the morning.....may I say good night....
Friday, February 10, 2006
February 9, 2006
The plane took off at about 7:37 or so... I am seated towards the rear of the plane. The flight crew is very friendlyy and courteous.
The fear of flying 5,933 feet high or so has taken away my attention of what I had feeling earlier. My emotions being a bit raw...I needed to write this....I hope to keep up this diary....on a daily basis....because I really want to share it with you.
Today was not an ordnary day in my life. It truely was the begining of the rest of my life. It truly is.
I awoke early this morning and could not get back to sleep. I lounged around the house for several hours before I got dressed. I was kind of happy to have awaken so early...so that I could sleep on the plane later on the flight that evening.
I had breakfast with Eric Sagot at Dinos...in Lincoln Heights for a fat breakfast. When I first saw Eric this morning,..I knew I looked very pensive..., but by talking to him, he brought me back to reality a bit. I usually speak to Eric several times a week....I am going to miss him so....he has been good to me...I love him...
The rest of my day was all about my trip to Europe. i went to Samy's store today to purchase a camera battery charger. Don't ask me what happend to the old one....I got a hair cut, saw Reina at Supercuts...I had not spoken to her for a bit...I had been worried about her...I had a small and meaningful chat....I know God givers her small challeges,...and she always meets them...I stopped by St Andrews Church in Pasadena....I love that church...it is one place that I really thinks that God hears me when I speak to him.
I asked God for his help for me and prayed that he would be each of you at the office or part of the orgnization. God has been good to all of us.....and we have been good to him....I feel good about that...
I packed some clothes and stopped by the office to say good bye to Yose and wish her the best,,,She is a very powerful woman....and mother...I hoped she enjoyed as great as the time as we had enjoyued her. I said my good bye to Humberto, Luis,Daniel and Ariel downstairs. I went upstairs and said good bye to Carlos and Eddie....I really lovve eacn and everyone of these guys. Their achievments have been great for the movement. ...It's 8:15 and a bit bumpy....thank god for my doctor...I can ride this one out......sure I can....
When I said my good bye to Carlos....I became a bit more emotional....I have had the opportunity to work with him a bit closer and I really enjoy him....He is one of the finest...with a tremendous sense of dedication and devoution to the cause,. Carlos has been a God shot......just when we needed someone like him, God brought him to us.
Eddie followed me home so I could leave my car adn he took me to the airport. I was lookinh at the gleem in his eyes and he was actually excited that his boss was finally going to go on sabbatical. He asked ms "how do you feel?". I said that I was nervous, but I really wanted to breakdown crying. I felt good that he really cared....and I cherish that very nuch. He went on to tell me that it was an important trip fpr me...and I agreed...I told him that it was to be the most important trip in my life...because I know that what I learn from this will held define who I am way past I am gone. and that is ok.
We arrived ar the airport and helped me with my bags and my hands were trembling; we embraced and said good bye....any moment I was about to breakdown and cry, but I did my best to holdit back...I thanked Eddie for being so persistent. If it had not been for him, I would not be boarding the plane now for Spain.
As I waked into the Bradley terminal, I saw Eddie one more time and waved...and went inside and cried. ...My child has grown up and so have my children...
Eddie was genuinly excited for me and that made me feel so good and proud. You see, I have mentored many of the staff from Las Memorias. Eddie and I go way back there. I have been there for many of his challenges and he has for me...and much is the same for many others.
I am overwhelmed to have seen the excitement iin Eddie's face and thanked him for his persistnace in making me take this trip. God was good to me in sending Eddie our way. ,.....By now, I am on the plane and tears are just streaming down my cheecks. ...the man sitting next wo me...looks at me and asks z"is everyhing ok?" I respond, that I jsut broke up with my wife.....i do not know if he believes me, but it feels good for no one to know who I am.
I said my good byes on the airlplne to Eric, Tim and my cousin Sandra...and Irma,,,she has been so kind and sweet with me......I have much more to write from the first day...but Starbucks is closing ..it is almost midnight....
Well....the first day is now history....good night with much love....
The plane took off at about 7:37 or so... I am seated towards the rear of the plane. The flight crew is very friendlyy and courteous.
The fear of flying 5,933 feet high or so has taken away my attention of what I had feeling earlier. My emotions being a bit raw...I needed to write this....I hope to keep up this diary....on a daily basis....because I really want to share it with you.
Today was not an ordnary day in my life. It truely was the begining of the rest of my life. It truly is.
I awoke early this morning and could not get back to sleep. I lounged around the house for several hours before I got dressed. I was kind of happy to have awaken so early...so that I could sleep on the plane later on the flight that evening.
I had breakfast with Eric Sagot at Dinos...in Lincoln Heights for a fat breakfast. When I first saw Eric this morning,..I knew I looked very pensive..., but by talking to him, he brought me back to reality a bit. I usually speak to Eric several times a week....I am going to miss him so....he has been good to me...I love him...
The rest of my day was all about my trip to Europe. i went to Samy's store today to purchase a camera battery charger. Don't ask me what happend to the old one....I got a hair cut, saw Reina at Supercuts...I had not spoken to her for a bit...I had been worried about her...I had a small and meaningful chat....I know God givers her small challeges,...and she always meets them...I stopped by St Andrews Church in Pasadena....I love that church...it is one place that I really thinks that God hears me when I speak to him.
I asked God for his help for me and prayed that he would be each of you at the office or part of the orgnization. God has been good to all of us.....and we have been good to him....I feel good about that...
I packed some clothes and stopped by the office to say good bye to Yose and wish her the best,,,She is a very powerful woman....and mother...I hoped she enjoyed as great as the time as we had enjoyued her. I said my good bye to Humberto, Luis,Daniel and Ariel downstairs. I went upstairs and said good bye to Carlos and Eddie....I really lovve eacn and everyone of these guys. Their achievments have been great for the movement. ...It's 8:15 and a bit bumpy....thank god for my doctor...I can ride this one out......sure I can....
When I said my good bye to Carlos....I became a bit more emotional....I have had the opportunity to work with him a bit closer and I really enjoy him....He is one of the finest...with a tremendous sense of dedication and devoution to the cause,. Carlos has been a God shot......just when we needed someone like him, God brought him to us.
Eddie followed me home so I could leave my car adn he took me to the airport. I was lookinh at the gleem in his eyes and he was actually excited that his boss was finally going to go on sabbatical. He asked ms "how do you feel?". I said that I was nervous, but I really wanted to breakdown crying. I felt good that he really cared....and I cherish that very nuch. He went on to tell me that it was an important trip fpr me...and I agreed...I told him that it was to be the most important trip in my life...because I know that what I learn from this will held define who I am way past I am gone. and that is ok.
We arrived ar the airport and helped me with my bags and my hands were trembling; we embraced and said good bye....any moment I was about to breakdown and cry, but I did my best to holdit back...I thanked Eddie for being so persistent. If it had not been for him, I would not be boarding the plane now for Spain.
As I waked into the Bradley terminal, I saw Eddie one more time and waved...and went inside and cried. ...My child has grown up and so have my children...
Eddie was genuinly excited for me and that made me feel so good and proud. You see, I have mentored many of the staff from Las Memorias. Eddie and I go way back there. I have been there for many of his challenges and he has for me...and much is the same for many others.
I am overwhelmed to have seen the excitement iin Eddie's face and thanked him for his persistnace in making me take this trip. God was good to me in sending Eddie our way. ,.....By now, I am on the plane and tears are just streaming down my cheecks. ...the man sitting next wo me...looks at me and asks z"is everyhing ok?" I respond, that I jsut broke up with my wife.....i do not know if he believes me, but it feels good for no one to know who I am.
I said my good byes on the airlplne to Eric, Tim and my cousin Sandra...and Irma,,,she has been so kind and sweet with me......I have much more to write from the first day...but Starbucks is closing ..it is almost midnight....
Well....the first day is now history....good night with much love....
Monday, January 02, 2006
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