We are what are parents are or were…
In this incredible medium that we call multi-media, we have a place to meet…and greet.
In this great special space we share ourselves with the world. We talk about our daily trials and tribulations, search out each other to find out more about ourselves..
You may know a lot of me…and then you may not…
This is a special March 26th….for this day is the 10th anniversary of the loss of my mom, Lydia Castillo Zaldivar. She was born in Nogales, Arizona and raised in Lincoln Heights.
I have traveled and experienced much in the last ten years…I know she has been part of every moment of those years. She has kept on eye on me. In fact! She has even known about a special person..
I still miss her…I love you ma!
1 comment:
May 10th marked 10 years for my mom also.
Ironically, she was born in Pomona, CA and was raised in Nogales, AZ.
I, on the other hand, was born in Nogales.
Virtual regards,
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